Chapter 6 - Undercover - Part 2

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The next 20 minutes felt like 20 hours. Hank tried his best to look like he was enjoying the entertainment but his mind was firmly focused on what could be going on behind those doors.

"Any movement out back?" Hank asked, hiding the movement of his lips with a tumbler of whiskey, taking a small sip before lowering the glass.

"Negative." Erin replied. "We're ready to move on the order."

"Give her another 5 minutes." Olinsky suggested and Hank nodded imperceptibly.

They didn't need the full five minutes. Merely a minute after Alvin's voice came over the radio, two muffled pops could be heard from behind the heavy black door, causing the patrons nearby to duck and turn their heads in search of the source of the noise. Hank was on his feet and moving against the crowd within a matter of seconds, Atwater, Ruzek and Halstead arriving at his shoulder, all three with concealed weapons drawn.

"10-1, shots fired! Get in here now!" Hank growled, shoving the door open with his shoulder.

The four of them took formation and made their way down the dimly lit, narrow corridor. There were three black doors, one on either side of the hall and one down the end. Hank gestured for Adam and Kevin to take one each, leaving himself and Jay to take the one at the far end. He had no idea where Leto had taken Kate but he knew they needed to get to her fast.



Hank kicked the door open and moved inside, gun trained on the scene before him. Kate was sitting astride Darius Leto, dress hiked up around her hips as she pinned him, face down, to the floor. She had one of his arms pulled behind his back, too high to be comfortable, and was pointing a weapon that wasn't hers at the back of his head. Hank noticed that her lip was cut, oozing blood and her cheek looked like it was rapidly bruising but she otherwise appeared unharmed. He let out a shaky breath he hadn't been aware that he was holding.

"Meadows, you good?" He asked, moving further into the room.

"I'm fine." She growled, obviously irritated at the turn of events. Atwater and Ruzek soon entered the room behind Voight, the former moving forward to take over holding Leto under arrest so that Kate could step back. Kate got to her feet and Voight immediately stepped towards her, his gaze focused on her lower lip, swollen from the abuse she'd suffered at the hands of the asshole on the floor. During his inspection, he also noticed that her dress had torn slightly down the middle, exposing the top of her toned stomach.

He shrugged out of his suit jacket and held it out to her, offering to help her into the garment.

"It's not him Sarg." Kate muttered as she slipped her arms into his jacket, clutching the material closed at the front to cover herself up. "He's a fucking animal...but he's not our killer."

Hank swore under his breath, his eyes burning holes into the man on the floor as Ruzek and Atwater hoisted Leto to his feet and made to escort him from the premises and charge him with the attempted murder of a police officer ('At least the night wasn't a total waste.').

"You're lucky your little friends arrived in time, bitch. I would have loved to have shoved my co-"

Kate made a move to shut the asshole up but Hank beat her to it, grabbing a handful of black hair in his fist and throwing him against the nearest wall, the force generating a grunt of pain. The look on Hank's face was terrifying as he gripped Leto's face so tight his nails were cutting half-moon crescents into the olive-toned skin.

"You look at her. You even so much as think about her ever again, I will make sure you end up in the ground where you belong, understand?" He waited a beat before shoving Leto's head back against the wall with a dull thud, breaking eye contact and looking at Ruzek. "Put him in the cage."

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