Not a normal kid

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Logic dictates life


What's the first thing that comes to mind when the word "arc" is said?

The arc family of course, the longest lasting and most powerful line of huntsman and huntresses ever recorded. Their line can be traced back to the very beginning of the kingdoms, with the Arcs having served as the kings personal knights for centuries.

The arcs are also known for other things

Such as their giant aura reserves, something which allowed them to  deal and take more punishment then anyone else. With each child it seemed that the aura capacity for the Arcs kept getting higher and higher.

Then there's the semblances that the arc family have, they sport  some of the most powerful semblances on remnant. From teleporting small distances, to precognition, the most powerful semblances on remnant could usually be found in the arc family line.

So, when the sentence "arc family" is said, it is safe to bet one of the most prominent things thought of are power, heroes, and huntsman.

So it was very strange to the arc family, when their only male child and heir to the Name, was the complete opposite of everything that had came to be associated with the family.

The boy, named Jaune arc, was a peculiar child.

When asked to socialize , he would refuse. When asked to go out hunting, he would refuse. And when asked to do anything else other then his own pursuit of knowledge, he would refuse.

Jaune arc seemed to have a natural thirst for knowledge. At only seven years of age, he was reading advanced texts that you would find in the hands of a beacon student.

A Very peculiar child indeed.

3rd Person POV

Jaune arc sat in his family manor, happily reading through another one of his family's many incredible books. It seemed the amount of knowledge in this library was infinite, but Jaune was determined to absorb it all.

His attention was brought away from his book by a creaking sound, he glanced up to see his mother peaking into the library. Jaune smiled and waved at his mother, who smiled back

She stepped into the library, arms crossed and an amused look on her face.

Julia arc, the mother of seven children, was still looking as spry as she did in her prime. Sitting at a crisp age of 40, her golden locks and bright blue eyes still shined brightly. She stood at 5-11, towering over her seven year old son who stood at a generous four foot.

"Jaune" she said "You can't just spend all your time cooped up in the library, you've got to spend time some outside. Why don't you go hang out with your sisters?"

Jaune shook his head and continued reading his book.

"But mom, why would I do that when there's so many awesome books to read in here!"

He held up his book to his mother, who leaned down to read the title.

Modern science and how to apply it to your everyday life

Jaunes mother stood up, and grabbed the book from her sons hand. Jaune groaned and tried in vain to get it back

"Jaune" she said, still looking down at her child "Your 7 years old, that means you listen to me. And if you don't, well I will just lock the library so you can't use it."

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