Logic reborn

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No two things are ever naturally the same.

No two rocks have the exact same patterns engraved on them, no two trees have the same shaped and numbers of branches. Nothing produced by Mother Nature is the same, each product of the mother of green is slightly different then another.

Humans are no exception to this rule

While Living beings can look incredibly similar, even on a molecular level, they still are never quite a perfect match. Personality has a large part to play in this, even if theoretically two humans were born perfectly identical down to every cell they still would have different personalities due to different experiences within life. Thus marking the two Humans as different, unique. It is remarkable really, how two people can be so similar and yet still be unique. Even with every logical thing pointing to these two people being exact copies of each other, they slowly develop into their own persons.

But, statement that no things can be the same, didn't account for outside intervention. An unnatural hand dipping into the gene pool and altering things that were never meant to be altered, creating something that was never meant to be.

A mortal playing with the powers reserved for our creators, and making something identical to another, a feat that Mother Nature herself couldn't-or wouldn't- do. Rocks that look a bit too similar, trees with the same direction and amount of branches and leafs. Two Sentient beings that are exactly the same, down to the molecule.

Now this wouldn't be so ground breaking if the original was someone unremarkable, like a simple store clerk or soldier. But when the base is someone extraordinary? Someone who creates things that change the world?

The two together would be unstoppable

Jaune stared with wide eyes towards the console that he voice emitted from, slowly processing what it had just informed him of. The Deceptions, a race so technologically advanced that they created this massive warship and all its assets, were all gone from this world? It seemed highly illogical, afterall with there technological prowess and warlike past they could have easily domainited the more underdeveloped kingdoms such as Mistral or Vacuo, Maybe even the mighty Atlas depending on how the campaign was approached.

"Dead?" Jaune repeated "How can they possibly have fallen? It is highly improbable that anything on this world could massacre the Decepticons to this scale."

"Your reasoning is sound and your inquiries are valid, the story is illogical without some facts that I purposely left out to test your curiosity." The voice replied, it's tone staying flat in the face of Jaunes questions. "There is little on this world-short of a few semblances- that could harm much less slay a Deception warrior, especially some of the more high ranking and powerful ones."

Jaune listened closely to the voice, absorbing the information presented to him before formatting his next question. "Then how did they fall? If it was not an outside force that felled the Deceptions then what was the cause?"

The lights in the bridge of the vessel dimmed, leaving only the small light of the console to part the darkness. Then with a bright flash of purple a image was standing in front of Jaune, it's see through nature marking it as a hologram. The image itself was of a bright blue cube, inside the cube there looked to be some sort of liquid substance that flowed freely within its confines.

"This is Energon, the source of all Cybertronians life- Deceptions included- and is the substance that allows us to life, it is similar to the blood that pumps through you." Jaune glanced down at his arms for a moment, gazing at the veins that carried his blood. The voice continued "Energon was produced by Primus himself at the heart of Cybertron, as long as the core was kept alive Energon would continue to be produced, meaning there was never a need to horde the resource."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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