What once was is now gone

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Everything falls to time

Time is the thing that marches on when everything else stops, when war envelops the world and it is pushed to the brink, Time keeps moving. Time is impassive to our struggles, to our hardships and losses. Time continues on no matter what happens

Time didn't stop when the atrocities of the Great war occurred, time didn't stop when Tyrian callow killed the entire Schnne board, and time didn't stop when the Grimm reclaimed mount Glenn.

When hundreds of thousands of souls perished in one single event, when half of Vacuo was blown to hell from a freak reactor explosion, creating the glass deserts of Vacuo, Time kept moving.

Time marches on, with or without us.

We can not affect time, no human or faunas can, but it can affect us. It is untouchable, unreachable and cannot be comprehended.

Some lucky few have been able to stave off the affects of time, either by semblances or large aura pools, but time still claims them nevertheless. Another select few have embraced time, and only strive to be remembered through it, either for the acts of good or acts of evil. An Example of these people are General stone of atlas, who is known for allegedly creating the floating island the kingdom sits on.

But still, no matter how important the person, place, or idea was, it is still taken by time.

Time is inevitable

Jaune had decided he despised atlas.

At first, even when he was being boarded off to be imprisoned, he had thought atlas was facinsting. A floating island of a kingdom that separated the rich from the poor, a fascinating subject to review.

But now, as he made his way slowly through the dense forests and snow, it was much less fascinating. As far as the eye could see was the black bark of trees and the white of snowfall.

He hated it

Emotions usually had no place in his life, they hadn't for some time now. Yet he found a deep hatred of the eviroment around him.

No, hatred wasn't what it was, it was more annoyance. The area was Illogical, the time it took away was illogical, and the time it added to his journey was even more illogical. The sheer amount of illogical things this forest provided made Jaune despise it, or as close to despising something he could come.

Luckily, due it his semblance the Grimm were of no concern. The added hazard of the beasts of darkness would have made this journey take even longer, and tested Jaunes patience even more.

As if it hadn't been tested enough by this god forsaken kingdom.

Jaune glanced down at his scroll and it's mountain of information that he has stolen from white space, and checked his destination once again.

The coordinates were still a ways away from his location, but that was to be expected from his current pace. Jaune wasn't sure what compelled him forward to this place, other then the peculiar journey entry from Dr Maxis, someone who apparently didn't exist.

That alone could have several implications.

If someone didn't exist legally, but there was proof that they did or still existed than it usually means that Atlas wanted them gone. People in this category usually were off the rails soldiers, specialist, or even generals. But some scientists who found things that were never meant to be found are placed in this category.

That begs the question then, what did Maxis find that warranted this treatment?

What did Maxis find at this "crash" that scared the unshakable kingdom of atlas?

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