Imprisonment is illogical

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The one thing that unites all of man is mortality

Eventually, everything and everyone will die. Whether they be human or Faunus, death comes eventually for everything.

For something that happens to everyone, it was truly remarkable how little we know about death. We only know the heart stops, just like that, with almost no warning

You may begin to feel weaker, or your aura might begin to drain, but that is your only warning that your life has begun to end.

But no one knows why we die, it's an odd thought really. Most people just except the fact that we die, now wondering how or why. Why don't or auras save us? Why does our heart just stop?

Why don't we live forever?

Most informed individuals attributed it to the "great humbling", a idea that few acknowledge and even fewer believe

The "great humbling" is the idea that we were once able to live forever, but through our hubris we believed ourselves Gods, and it was our undoing.

The Gods humbled us by making us vulnerable to the embrace of death, then left our mortal plain, never to return.

But In the end, that's just a theory based on a combination of scientific  and religious theory's. It was man attempting to make sense of something that they couldn't understand

Death is a fact of life, it cannot be explained, it just is.

Any man who attempts to run away from that fact is a fool


Ironwood was no fool, being a general along with one of the few S+ huntsman in existence showed that. He was a brilliant strategist, powerful warrior, and had a cunning mind.

His semblance, strongest of wills, also contributes heavily to his strength as a leader. The ability to completely hyper focus on something or someone makes it impossible to distract him during a fight, unless one had access to the right semblance.

But, when it came to the subject of the head of the Grimm, any of ironwoods strengths disappeared.

The very idea of the leader terrified the general, how wouldn't it? The Grimm, who were thought to be mindless, were actually controlled by a incredibly intelligent person who could move Grimm around with a thought.

It was troubling, to say the least

Which is why anytime someone brought the subject up, all reason went out the window for the general.

Which is also why it was even more troubling that a child, barely even a toddler, had somehow found out that the Grimm had a leader, and that ironwood had known about it.

Ironwood was currently sitting at his desk, pondering over his last interaction with Jaune arc, with a very concerned Winter beside him

"General" winter began hesitantly "You can't possibly believe what the boy said, can you?" Winter shifted uneasily on her feet, trying to ignore the generals outburst towards the boy

Ironwoods glanced over to winter before his eyes returned to his screen, as he began to type on his computer "Winter, you are one of the people I trust the most in this organization." Ironwood said, ignoring the shocked look from winter

"General, I-I, I don't know what to say." Winter said

"Which is why you should learn the truth, the full truth." Ironwood continued "the thing we've met from the public for years, for their own protection."

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