You're my best friend, I'll love, you forever

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The morning came faster than Love would have liked

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The morning came faster than Love would have liked. The first thing she noticed when she opened her eyes that morning was the sun streaming through the blinds and the smiling face of Lexi looking back at her.

"Good morning."
Smiling back at her "good morning."

"Did you sleep okay? I'm sorry for coming over so late but, I would like to make that up to you so how about before we hit the salon we can go out to breakfast my treat."

Getting out of bed and walking over to where I sat my bag the night before and turning to look at Lexi still perched in her spot on the bed "I'm gonna go shower and change and then we can go."

After my shower and getting dressed and ready for the day I start downstairs to where I'm greeted with the sight of Suze sipping on what looks like a mimosa.

"Good morning Suze how was your night last night I hope I didn't make too much noise coming in?"

Looking at me and squinting her eyes at me "I didn't even know you came in last night."

"Good I was trying to be as quiet as possible" smiling at her I walk towards the door turning to look back at her "can you let Lexi know I'll be in the car waiting on her?"

Waving her hand and turning back to what she was doing "yea whatever."

Sitting in the car waiting for Lexi I reach into the glove box where I had put my phone the night before, turning it back on and watching the texts pop up most of which are from Nate asking where I went and the progressively angrier with one reading  "you better not be with that fucking druggie friend of yours!" Frowning at my phone and ignoring him. Seeing Lexie come out the front door I put my phone away and smile at her as she opens the door to get in.

"So what's for breakfast today?"

Turning to look at her "I'm thinking Louie's waffles, what about you?"

"Sounds good to me."

Pulling out of my spot and heading in the direction of Louie's

" so Cassie texted me this morning and told me she hooked up with McKay."

That causes me to raise my eyebrows and laugh not taking my eyes off the road I ask "are you serious, like for real?"
Then she proceeds to tell me how he's been coming over for dinner the night past week.

"As long as Cassie is happy I think maybe McKay will be good for her."

Lexi snorts at that "you think McKay will be good for Cassie?"

Pulling my lips into a straight line as I pull into the parking lot of Louie's shutting off the car and turning to look Lexi in the eyes "I think Cassie being happy will be good for Cassie."

Getting out of the car and walking up to the door and holding it open for Lexi and taking our usual spot in the booth next to the window.

After ordering and eating, I get the text from Kat that she's at the salon waiting for me.

Getting back into the car and pulling out onto the road and heading and in that direction. Pulling into the parking lot of the strip mall and parking in front of the nail shop. "I was thinking me and you could do like a matching design I could do pink with red hearts and you could do the red with pink hearts and we can twin."

Looking at me "I think that would be nice it'll be just like middle school when we wore those matching dresses." Grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the front door spotting Kat sitting at a desk already I walk up behind her.

"Guess who kitty, Kat?" Laughing she turns around from her spot with a big smile.

"God it took you long enough to get here."

"Sorry I stayed with Lexi last night and went out to eat earlier."

Waving Lexi over to take a seat next to me so we can continue our conversation. Looking back at Kat I ask.

"Did you hear what happened at McKay's last night, the new girl Jules cut herself and totally flipped out on Nate."

Kat and Lexi both speak in unison "are you serious." Shaking my head up and down "totally serious she flipped out on him, but you guys know how he is." Rolling my eyes after I finish.

Looking at them both "the only reason he flipped was because of his issues with Maddy I wish they would just call it quits already I keep being put in the middle of all of their arguments."

"I love them both I don't wanna have to pick sides it's not fair to me."

Going back to stare at my nails watching as the topcoat gets applied and sticking them back underneath the dryer. Hearing a chime and realizing it's a text looking at the contact name it's Maddy and she's asking if I can bring by my purple outfit she wants to borrow for the first day of school letting her know that I'll drop it by when I leave here.

Dropping Lexi off and then heading in the direction of my house, stopping by and grabbing the outfit that Maddy had wanted, and then heading in the direction of her house. Parking in front of her house and letting her know I'm outside.

While waiting on Maddy to come out I start rereading all the texts, Nate had sent most of them just him being that I had left the party without telling him deciding to just delete the whole thread and forget him for the rest of the day. Looking up when I hear a knock on the window.

"Hey bitch" Maddy smirks down at me from her spot in front of me. " hey bitch back to you, I heard you fucked some college guy in McKay's pool."

"No, we didn't fuck I don't know why everyone thinks we fucked." Staring at her with a straight face.

"Maddy-" she cuts me off before I can even start my sentence "I'm sure I like blacked out because I don't remember fucking like at all."

Turning away from her and rolling my eyes I reach into the passenger seat where the bag of clothes that Maddy requested are. "Here you go, Maddy just make sure you stay safe okay I love you bitch." Smiling as I pull away from the front of her house and heading back to my home for the night.

Walking into the house to be greeted with the sight of my mom cooking dinner and my dad sitting at the kitchen island next to her.
"Hey, sunshine how was Lexis?" Taking a seat next to dad I respond to his question.

"It was really good we had a lot of fun I'm glad I got to spend time with her."

My mom turns from her spot at the stove "you know I'm happy you and Lexi stayed friends especially after everything that happened with Rue."

"Me too mom I'm lucky to have her. Hey I think I'm just gonna skip dinner tonight it's been a long day and I'm tired and need to be up early tomorrow is that okay?"

"Of course, sunshine are you sure though?"

"Yea I love you mom and dad."

"We love you to sunshine more than anything." with one last hug to my dad and mom I'm headed upstairs to my room.

Sitting on the edge of my bed and staring at my phone trying to think of something to say to

"Hey, I just wanted to make sure everything is okay with you I heard about what happened with Maddy" with one final I look over the text I hit send.

After changing into something more comfortable I lay down staring up at the ceiling thinking of everything that happened at that party this weekend. After what felt like hours of just thinking I start to feel tired and drift off to sleep.

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