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"You'll have to keep the arm plaster for at least 3 weeks"

I just nodded

"How did it happened?"

"Huh?Oh,I fell off the stairs"

Another doctor came in with Meg

"A man left this girl in front of the hospital,she told me she's your daughter"

"Of course she is" I said,grabbing her hand

"You can leave the hospital in a few minutes" the doctor told us,before leaving the room

"Are you feeling any better?" Meg asked

I couldn't told her the truth

"Don't worry,I just fell"

"Oh" she replied,"Anyway,I could tell that Daddy wasn't happy to drive me here"

"It's ok kid"

While we were getting back home,a cop stopped me

"May I see a license"

"Sure" I replied,"Wait...Freddie? Is that you?"

He looked at me

"How do you know my name?"

"I'm Sam.Sam Puckett"

He looked at my eyes

"Sam! It's nice to see you again!"

"I can't belive you become a cop!"

"Well,yes.Anyway,can you give me your number? I mean...maybe we can hang out sometimes,just at friends of course" he asked


"Hey pumpkin,can you-"

I stopped when I saw Meg sleeping

"Aw,is that your daughter? She looks so adorable"


"Anyway,I need to get back to work.I'll call you later!" He said

Later that afternoon,just as he said,he called me

"What's up Sam?"

"Hey Freddork! Are you free tomorrow in the afternoon? We can have a coffee,or tea or whatever"

"Alright.How about that coffee bar in front of your house? We can eat a pizza too,If you want"

"Yea I think-"

"Mommy!" Meg called me from her room

"Oh,I gotta go.Bye Fredweird"

He smiled

"See ya!"

I opened the door of mine and Simon's room and I saw him

"Who you were talking to?" He asked

"It was an old friend of mine" I replied "But-"

"You and your friend? Having lunch together? Not going to happen" he said firmly

"Were you spying on me?"I blurted out, "And It's not a date"

He grabbed me by the collar


He released me

"Now I gotta go.You know,unlike you,I HAVE A JOB"

After he slammed the door,I texted Freddie

S: "It's ok if we meet at my house?"

                 "Sure! See you tomorrow xx":F


"Yes sweetie?"

"What was going on?" She asked,looking both shocked and worried


"Before Daddy closed the door" she said,"Why was he yelling at you?"

I kissed her forehead

"Don't worry,It's ok"

"Are you sure you're ok?" She insisted

"Of course I am"

But then I looked at my arm,still covered with the arm plaster.And I knew that I wasn't ok

𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲Where stories live. Discover now