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"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere.But that Freddie better leave before I get back.Understood?"


One hour later Freddie knocked at the door

"Hey Sam!" He greeted

"Hi! Come in!"

He slowly walked in

"Take a seat" I said,pointing to the coffee table

He sat and I started making the coffee

"Mom,who's he?" Meg came in

"It's Freddie,on old friend of mine"

He took Meg's hand

"Hi there! You look adorable"

She looked taken aback

"So,how's your live going?" I asked

"When I was at college I became interested of the crime.I don't know why.So I went to some weird school where I learned how to use guns and other things that cops use.And then I became a cop"

"Oh,so you're not a tech-nub anymore?" I asked smirking

" I still like technology but I never was a nub" he objected

"Sureee,whatever you say"

"Sam,I have to tell you something"

"Umm sure.Meg,go watch TV,ok sweetie?"

She groaned

"But I don't want to"

I sighted,taking my phone

"Here,you can watch Girly Cow on my phone"

I gave her my phone

"Thank you Mommy" she said,before getting back to her room

"So,what's up?"

He didn't said anything

His brown eyes...


They look so familiar...like when we dated back in Seattle

Why am I thinking about him this way? I am married to Simon,I can't cheat on him

But he never made you feel like when you dated Freddie.Actually,no one has ever made you feel that way-

His lips on mine.Thats what interrupted my thought.I pulled away quickly

"Oh my gosh,I'm so sorry" he apologize

I shook my head

"Don't apologize,It was my fault"

He was still embarrassed though

"I gotta go.By the way,is that a camera?"

"Wha-what??" I panicked

He pointed to the wall.There was a camera that was pointing right to the coffee table

"Umm yes" I lied

"Great.I hope we can meet again sometime"

"Sure.See ya"

I closed the door,and I looked at the camera.If Simon see the video I'm dead.Literally

𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲Where stories live. Discover now