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"What are you doing?"

I was on a ladder,trying to reach the camera so I could delete all the files on the camera,before Simon could see that me and Freddie kissed.

"Umm why don't you go back to your room? I promise I'll help you with your homework later"

I'd do anything to not let Meg tell Simon what I was doing.She is just 7,she wouldn't understand.

She groaned,before walking away

After almost an hour,I deleted all the files on the camera,just before the door opened and Simon walked in

"Hey honey" I greeted him

"You really think I don't know what happened huh?"

I went pale


"Maybe you didn't know that when the camera starts recording all the files would automatically save on my laptop,too"

I felt like the stupidest women alive

"Listen I-"


"I didn't do anything,he was the one who kissed me!" I said


"YOU CANT KICK ME OUT! THIS IS MY HOUSE TOO!" I started yelling too


He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the door


I stood there,shocked.But the door opened again and it was him and Meg

"Right,I forgot about your stupid daughter" he mumbled,and closed again the door

"Mom what the hell is going on?" She asked

"Meg,language" I said, "Listen...I don't have much money but...wanna buy a hotdog?"

She slowly nodded

After she ate her hotdog,she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand

"Can we go home now?"

And now I had to tell her what has been going on for the past months

"It's complicated...but the point is that we can't go home now...at least not yet" I said

"Oh.It's because of Dad?" She asked

I was stunned.How can my girl be so clever?

"I-yes,it's because of Dad" I replied,deciding to stop lying.

"Are you ok Mommy? I mean,I know he hurt you,but how are you feeling?"

I never expected her to say that,mostly because it always seemed like she didn't cared about me as much as she cared about Simon

I shook my head

"I just wonder how could I have fallen for him...he was such a jerk"

She hugged me

"I promise I'll make you forget him and what he did to you" she said

I smiled


I woke up so early the next morning,remembering what happened the previous day and understanding why me and Meg were sleeping on a bench at the park.

After waking her up,we both went to the supermarket to buy some sandwiches.

"Is that Daddy?"

I quickly look into the direction she was pointing at,and as she was saying,it was Simon.But he wasn't alone.He was making out with some girl,and at that point it didn't even hurt me or bothered me at all.After all,he treated me like a piece of shit and I realized that I he wasn't in love with me.I kinda suspected that he was cheating but I thought I was crazy and that couldn't happen.And now,here we are

I realized Meg was still watching them,and as I saw Simon grabbing the girl's ass I decided to drag Maggie away.

"Are you ok Mom?"

"Yes,I am Sweetie.We just don't love each other anymore...But I think its a good thing we ended our relationship"

She kissed my cheek

"I'm glad you two break up...To be honest he always scared me,I felt like I couldn't trust him completely...and since I saw him slapping you...I was even more scared"

I kissed her forehead

"Dont worry,I promise I'll get a job so I can buy a new house just for us,without some jerk bothering us"

"But...are you ever going to marry someone else?" She asked

"I don't know" I simply said,trying to not think about Freddie

𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲Where stories live. Discover now