An Unexpected Gift

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  You had just accepted Camilo's offer of going with him to his dad's birthday. It didn't make much sense since it was HIS dad. But oh well, at least you had an excuse to get to know his family.

  Both of you waved your goodbyes and he started going after his mom, going home. You also wanted to go home but you didn't allow yourself to leave before he was out of sight. Only when you didn't saw him anymore, you turned around and left. What you didn't know, while you tried to see if Camilo was still on your sight, he shape shifted into some random guy to also only leave when he made sure you would make a safe return before leaving.

-God Camilo, you're so stupid!

He said to himself while hitting his head with his hand.


  -Hey, I'm back! Here are your oranges mamá!

  You announced as coming from the front door. Your mom and dad were cooking lunch while Fernando and Diego argued about something upstairs and Juan was just laughing at them. You put the oranges on the counter where your parents were cooking. You still had to tell them about the invitation from the Madrigal's.

  -Mamá... papá... do you know my friend? Camilo Madrigal?

  You asked with your hands coupled. Your mom threw the napkin in her hand over her shoulder. Your father didn't hear you and continued his cooking. Or at least trying.

  -Sí, what about him? Did something happen in between you two?

  Your mom quickly noticed the red in your cheeks as your body temperature rase every second.

  -Bien, today it's his father's cumpleaños and he invited me to go have dinner with them tonight at seven thirty so...

  You were stuttering. But you didn't know why. You were scared of your parents declining. But you shouldn't! You and Camilo were friends, just that! It was okay to tell him that you couldn't make it. Right? Agh, stop that! You were embarrassing yourself! Get yourself together YN! You looked up at your parents and they were looking at each other like they were communicating through their eyes.

  -Alright, alright, you can go have dinner with them. But we want you home by 11!

Somehow, you felt a huge relief of happiness when your dad said yes. It was like you just lost 100 pounds!

-Ah! Thank you mamá! Thank you papá! Thank you so much! I love you guys!! You are the best!

You threw yourself in your parents arms, hugging them as tight as your body let you.

-Mi amor, we know how that boy is important to you. Of course we would let you go! However, if you really want to go, you have to help us with lunch.

Of course! You threw on your apron and started helping both your parents with the cooking.



  Your mom announced. You started putting the food on the table as your brothers were setting everything up. Fernando, on the other hand came from upstairs and when he saw you, he stopped dead on his tracks and just stood there, looking at you.

-Qué passa Fernando? Never saw a girl before?

Juan laughed as he was putting the glasses on the table.

-Very funny! Just how did you get here so fast? I was talking to you in your room! It was seconds ago! I remember you had something behind your back I tried to see but you wouldn't let me!

You looked confused at your siblings. You never even got to go upstairs after you came back! And they were witnesses, they saw you all day.

-Fernando, it's the first time I see you today.

Fernando turned pale as the atmosphere in that room went heavy. You took off your apron and slapped it on the table as you started to climb up the stairs. You were in front of your bedroom door but for some reason, you hesitated in opening it. Get it together YN! It's just a door! Near your window, there was the silhouette of a curly haired girl. It took a moment of prolonged eye contact to understand it was you there. You started thinking you were going crazy and started preparing to let out a scream when you heard a voice that wasn't yours.

-Woah, wait! Don't scream please! It's me, Camilo! Everything is fine! You're fine!

The figure in front of you transformed into Camilo. You didn't know if you should feel relieved or even more scared. When you saw Camilo shape shifting from you to him, you felt your body falling on the ground. Camilo quickly rushed up to you and helped sitting on your bed. It took a while to process everything.

-Camilo! What the hell?! Why are you here?!

You locked the door so your family wouldn't hear any of you.

-YN escucha-
-No! Do you understand you look like a stalker?!
-Even worst! A perv!
-You could get into real trouble or-

You were always cutting Camilo off and he was getting upset with that. He snapped back but quickly covered his mouth with his hands noticing the sudden raise in his voice.

-Sorry, sorry... listen, after we saw each other at the market today, I tried to build up the courage to give you this, but I didn't, so, I was planning on leaving it in your room, but then one of your brothers walked in and talked about how a "Diego" guy was getting on his nerves and wanted your opinion. So I shape shifted into you and now here we are!

Camilo handed you a small box with a bow on top. When you opened it, it was a beautiful pin. It had a golden frame and a hazel gem. It was such a beauty and it was the same tone your eyes were.

-I noticed the button on your cape was coming off, so when I saw this, I knew I had to get it. It's the same color as your eyes and I thought it would look nice on you.. but you don't have to wear it if you think that it's ugly or something!!

Camilo was flustered and looking to the side, avoiding eye-contact. His hand was on his neck, trying his best to hide his face in the between his hair. His embarrassment was soon cut off by a hand on his cheek. As he looked at you, face red like a tomato, you gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek, leaving a red lipstick mark on his face. His whole face was hot, and the longer that kiss took, the higher the temperature on his face got. When you let his cheek go from your lips, Camilo had his eyes wide open and his mouth was slightly open as well. You held his face and his curls got tangled in the tips of your fingers.

-Thank you Camilo. I love it. And I'm sorry for screaming at you.

You had a calm and warm expression on your face and looked deep into Camilo's green eyes. But Camilo wasn't that calm, when he got back to his senses, he started stumbling in embarrassment.

- W-well, I- I think I should g- go now! And you need to g-go have l-lunch! Bye!

As he finished, he got out from the window. You didn't even have time to warn him about the lipstick mark on his cheek. Oh well, it's gonna be a surprise for when he gets home.

-SI PAPA! Well, guess he is gonna have a surprise when he gets home.

~♡︎𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙶𝚎𝚝 𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝙰𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏♡︎~ Where stories live. Discover now