Sibling Fight

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-Good morning Juan!! How was your night without me here? Did you cry yourself to sleep because your dear sister wasn't here to hold your hand?

-Cállate and go away YN.

You tried saying good morning to Juan, but instead of that smug face, he looked angry. You never saw him like this. At least, in a long time. You really didn't know what the hell got into Juan, so you whispered over to Diego.

-Hey, what the hell got into Juan? Is he alright?

-Yhea, he's probably fine. He must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed. He'll be fine, don't stress your head about that.

  -You're probably right. He is just being annoying again. Anyways, let's go have breakfast. It must be getting cold.

  You wondered what could be wrong with your brother. But Diego reassured you he was fine. You didn't know if you should follow his word, but if he said so..
Diego and you made your way to the kitchen where your parents and Fernando were already eating. You two joined them and served yourselves.

-Good morning hijos.

-Morning Mom, morning dad.

  -Do any of you two know what happened to your brother? He came here without saying a word, when we asked what was wrong, he just left the table. Then he told us to ask YN. YN what did you do?

  -What? What do I have to do with anything? Everything was fine until he started acting like that! I didn't even talk to him!

  You were trying your best to remember if you said anything that would upset Juan. But, you thought of nothing. You guys haven't even talked in a long time! But it was Juan. He was just being annoying as usual. So you set that aside and started eating.

  After some time of silence, your younger brother, Fernando bumped your arm calling you.

  -What were you and Diego talking about earlier?

  -What do you mean?

  -Earlier, I woke up because I heard you and Diego talking in your room. You said something about your boyfriend. And I saw Juan passing by your door and going to his room.

  -Now Fernando, what did we talk about calling your sister's friend, her novio?

  -But she said it herself this time!

  While Fernando talked about your love life to your parents, you just looked at Diego in his eyes. He also noticed. You knew why Juan was so mad now! You slowly got out of the kitchen and made your way to Juan's room.


  -SORRY PAPA! It all makes sense now! I have to go set things straight!

  Before your dad even had the chance to ask anything, you had already entered Juan's room. He was laying on his bed with his blanked over him.

  -Juan, we need to talk. NOW!

  -Go. Away.

  -No! I'm not leaving until we set this straight!

  You locked the door and kept the key. Juan almost flew out of the bed and marched over to you angrily.

  -Go. Away. I won't tell you again YN!

  -No! I know why you're like this! And you know, you are just being over dramatic! Are you really that mad because I'm dating someone?! Shouldn't you be happy that I'm happy!?



  -Just.. for how long did you plan on lying to me? I'm your older brother, liking it or not! If I never found out like this, when would you tell me? When you two got married?! Is that what you think of me? A reckless guy that you can't trust?!

  -If you would stop being a pain in the butt all the time, I would tell you this kind of stuff!

  -Yhea? That's a lie! What are you also hiding from me?



  -Oh shut up! You never had the "hand me downs" you always had the new things! And we had to stick together because you always decided you were better than us!


  Silence. Dead silence. Nor Juan nor you spoke. Was he really that mad because you didn't want to tell him you were dating? You looked to the ground thinking of what to say.

  -Y'know... when I was a kid.. I used to think you were cool. You were amazing. You were my hero. But if I could tell something to that child who thought her brother was the best person ever, I would tell her "don't get your hopes up, it's not worth it" and you know why? Because you don't trust me to handle my life. You don't care if I leave in the middle of the night. But you do this scandal over a boy.

  You didn't say anything more. You were getting ready to leave when you felt a hand on your arm.

  -Go sit down. Let's talk properly.

  Juan pointed to his bed. You didn't know if you should continue there, but you had nothing to lose. So, you sat down.

  -Listen, ever since Diego was born, I realized, I was the older one now. Mom and dad gave me the responsibility of watching over him. Then you came along. Then Fernando. But you want to know something funny? None of you guys needed to look out for the younger ones. That was my job. And mom and dad made sure I knew that. So, I was scared. All of these years, I was always scared that even with so much sacrifices I did my whole life, nothing would work out in the end. I heard you saying you hated me multiple times. That really got to me, but I have to be the one that is relaxed all the time, so I couldn't talk about this to anyone. When I heard you were dating, of course, I was starting to get overprotective, but when I heard you and Diego don't even trust me to tell me something so important in your life.. I just..

  Wow. That was a lot to take in. Juan, the annoying sibling, actually felt like that? Was he really hit that hard by your words? You didn't realized you hurt him that much. You hugged Juan.

  -I'm sorry.

  It took a couple seconds until Juan hugged you back. You didn't feel that in years.

~♡︎𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙶𝚎𝚝 𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝙰𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏♡︎~ Where stories live. Discover now