The Tower

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Sry I haven't updated recently my life's been pretty crazy. Also credit for the flash back scene goes to a comic artist. I dont't know who so if you do let me know. But thats what i based it off. 

Maris POV

We landed atop the Eiffel Tower and Chat set me down gently. "Marinette?" I glanced up at my beloved cat then looked back at my feet. "Marinette look at me." I heard his soft voice coaxing me but I didn't want to look at him. 

Not like this. Not how i've been acting. Then to my surprise I felt a pressure on my chin and he listed my face with minimal resistance from me. "Baby whats wrong?"He searched my eyes looking for the answer but none came.

 "I-I just--" Words failed me as I tried to explain but looking back I felt like Manon throwing a temper tantrum. "Marinette you can trust me!" He said pleadingly. "I just want to help."

I knew he wanted to help but I didn't know if there was a way to help. "I just- I don't need a therapist." I said in a small voice. It sounded pathetic and dumb but I guess its what I thought was the truth. "Mari, baby, what's wrong with having a therapist?" Chat questioned.

 "It proves that I'm not getting better Chat! People at school will tease me and it makes me feel weak! I feel weak enough as it is always needing help from you! Letting my emotions get the better of me! Having to use crutches! Not even as Lady- I-I-I mean lately when I felt like I was getting better! I'm just so done Chat!" 

My eyes wandered towards the edge of the tower and I stared down contemplating if I should just jump here and now.  

Suddenly an arm snaked around my waist and pulled me away from the edge as id he has read my mind. "Marinette It wont make you weak. It makes you brave. Admitting that you need help is the bravest thing you can do." I wanted to believe this. I really did but I just couldn't. Again my eyes wondered towards the edge and the thought of jumping crossed my mind for a second time. 

Chat sighed and pulled me into a tight hug. I immediately responded and squeezed back. After a couple of minutes of just enjoying each others embrace a street band began playing on a lower floor of the Eiffel tower. It was slow and beautiful. Chat stepped back and looked at me with a small smile.  

"May I have this dance?" he asked while bowing smoothly. I laughed slightly and wiped my nose. "How could I deny such a smooth knight?" I said graciously. He reached forward and rapped his hands around my waist and my arms looped around his neck. We stood there swaying to the music and I lay my head on his shoulder. 'Maybe life hasn't given me the best lot but it gave me this dork so I have to have some luck right?' 

After a while of swaying to the music I looked up to find his mesmerizing green eyes starring at me. I stood on my tip toes and pressed my lips gently against his and closed my eyes. He reciprocated and kissed me softly back. I pulled away and smiled at my kitty. 'the one who saved me'

"Im gonna do the therapy" I whispered but with his heightened hearing he heard me. A huge smile spread across his lips and he pulled me close and hugged me. "That makes me so happy." He responded joyously. He then pulled away grabbed my chin and pressed his lips against mine. "Lets get you home K?" 

"Ok" I said in a better mood then ever before. I was so lucky to have him in my life. He picked me up bridal style and I basked in his warmth as he pulled out his stick. I tightened my grip around him as he leapt off the tower and worked his way home. The events of the day and and evening caught up to me while we leapt towards my house. My eyes began to drift shut and blackness started to overcome me. 

Chats POV

I felt Marinette's grip around my neck loosen. I glanced down at her and saw her eyes shut her her breathing was slow and deep. I smiled down at her softly as I landed on her balcony. I opened the trap door and carefully slipped in and set Marinette down with great care. 

I pulled the blankets up around her and slipped of her bed. I crossed her bed room and exited her room after unlocking the trap door. It was past 11 but I thought I should at least see if her parents were awake. 

To my relief Sabine was sitting up at the counter with a cup of tea. At seeing me she hurriedly set it down and came over to me. "Is she ok?" her voice was filled with concern for the well being of her daughter.    

"Yes, she's upstairs asleep. I wanted to tell you that she agreed to do therapy. I'm sorry I brought her in so late but I was talking to her an-" "Don't worry about it Chat! I'm sure what you did was for her best!" She cut in. She then wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. My eyes widened. 'its like when my mom hugged me' 

Flash Back

Toddler Adrien came running into the room where his mother sat playing the piano. "Mom! Mommy! Mommy! Momma! Mom! Guess what!!!" Adriens cute high voice came shouting as he ran up to her. She paused in her playing and smile down at her beloved son. 

"What is it minou?" She said with a slight laugh. "My fwont toof is loose! Wook!" He smiled ridiculously big and used his tongue to wiggle his front tooth. 

"Oh wow my little minou!" She picked him up lifted him high in the air then brought him close to her and hugged him. "Thats amazing! Have you showed daddy?" She asked as she rested him on his hip. "Ya he said go show mommy. He said it was tool tho." 

she smiled softly. Emilie set him on the ground knelt down and hugged him tight. "Go put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy ok." "OTAY!!!!" She kissed his cheek as he barreled out the of the room and up the stairs.  

End Of Flash Back

Sabine pulled back and kissed my cheek. "Go home and get some rest." she then patted my cheek and went into a side door that led to her bed room. I shook off my nostalgia and wiped a quick tear away. I then left out the front door and went down the stairs.

 I left the apartment complex and vaulted home. When I entered my bedroom window I de-transformed to a very disgruntled Plagg. But after the bribery of extra cheese he quieted. I was about to go to bed when my phone rang. 

I looked at the caller ID and it read Natalie. Slightly confused I answered the phone. 


"Hello Adrien I am calling on behalf of your father who is wondering if it is true that you haven't been in school the past week?" 

"Uh yes its true but I've been si-"

"He is very disappointed to here this. Just because we have been gone doesn't mean your aloud to skip school."

"But Natalie I've been sick!" 

She seemed to not hear him. 

"This is very disappointing Adrien, YOU are disappointing. If we hear of this again you will be sent to the states."

The phone line cut and I stood there shocked as a stab of hurt pierced my heart. I mean I know its true that I'm a total disappointment but it hurt to hear it from her. A person who was like a mother figure since my mothers death.

I couldn't be sent to America so I had to go to school as Adrien, but that would be leaving Marinette without Chat. "Ill talk to her in the morning." I muttered quietly to myself. In a louder voice I called to Plagg. "Good night!"

 I heard a muffled replied from my trash can were Plagg was eating cheese. I lay down in bed with my last thought being about ow disappointed Marinette would be in me.         


Word count: 1426


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