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Harry was cremated, his ash and Draco's were buried in the same grave, they knew they would've wanted to.

Hermione and Ron,and everyone else was devastated, everyone from the wizarding world was devastated by the sudden death of the boy who lived,the boy who killed the great dark wizard,only to be killed by himself.

Everyday, more flowers and gifts were on their graves, some are form their friends,mostly are from the people from the wizarding world, some are from the muggles who decided to join in bc everybody was, their grave was so full of flowers,gifts, pictures and love that they had to buy the neighboring plot ,
They were burried on a muggles Graveyard, Hermione protested it.
She knew they would've wanted to be burried together in the muggle world.

"Here lies Draco an Harry"

The date of births and death were engraved on the tombstone,
"They'll love eachother till the end of time" it qouted on the very bottom.
Hermione and Pansy's idea.

They wished they knew eachother outside of the wizarding world.
That there were no cameras everywhere, no "the golden boy...blablabla"on the newspaper every day, they wished they could hold hands outside, without any magical cameras and self writing notepad following them around.
They wished a better life. A simple one.

"I hope they're Happy,nowthat they're together"

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Luna and Pansy got married, Sean and Deamus got kids named Dran and hannah, inspired by Harry's and Draco's.
Rose grew up, Blaise got his child, he named him Draco, it was a boy, it looked exactly like Draco, blonde,pale.... thanks to his mother's genes ofcoures.

They would sometimes hangout at Grimmauld place, to remember Harry and Draco, the boxes were inside the masters bedroom,no one has been in there since it happened,no one took a letter,ut was their privacy, it was Harry mourning for 8 years.

Have you ever seen Harry with long hair? Maybe tied in a bun, a ponytail, or even a braid, he grew out his hair,almost the same length as Lucius's, Rose loved playing with it she always told him how girly it made him look like, with his crazy messy curls grewout in a long still messy curly hair, He almost looked like Hermione at some point, "you look like mum, dont you think? Uncle Harry?"Rose always asked, which always made them laugh.

He grew it out,not because it was the last thing Draco touched, but because it was Draco's favorite part of his body, imean the hair on his scalp not on the.... he always used to mention how messy and impossible it is to comb, knowing Draco, with his thickly gelled hair..

He cut it before he did what he did, leaving it all behind scattered on the floor, along side the letters under the bed.
Draco, his parents,his friends, everyone was on his head when he did it.
He hesitated a lot of times, the last memory he thought of was with Draco, hell, Draco aggresively combing his hair fixed might even be the last thing he ever thought of.




It's me alex....

I know yall probably wondering why i did what i did.

I am sorry.
I unpublished this book bc well-- i didn't have the time and motivation to finish it as i first wanted to,

I changed the whole plot into angst, and im kind of happy about it.


And please do try and read my other book,a book with my own Characters, and stuff, and ill try to write more short stories about Drarry in the future if i can, and I'll try my best not to kill them.
On my other book I'll try my best to publish twice or trice a month, due to my mental stuff and my studies and chores,im busy, or i just love binge watching and reading.

anywyas, i loveeeee yallll sooo mych for supporting the first version of this book and i love you all so much for still supporting the new version of this book,please don"t hate me,(seriously tho pls don't)


Harry died with ugly hair


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