Rose Thorns

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Rose Thorns: 

Forget the truth for a moment 

You told me that your heart was set on me 

But the next day you told me that hearts say stupid things 

Maybe you should shut your fucking mouth 

Am I just a piece in your goddamned game? 

You play me like your little bitch 

Then you buy me some fucking red roses 

Like they'll make me forget 

Oh boy, you really fucked up this time 

Thinking that I wouldn't find shit out 

I dare you to get down on your knees, apologize to me 

Cry me a river 

Whatcha gonna do to win my stupid little heart back? 

A dozen red roses? 

Just so I'll prick myself on the thorns 

Sweetheart, you're my angel 

My princess, fuck that you're a queen 

Try another line, maybe from a movie I've never seen 

I'm choking up at your words you speak 

Maybe you should try a mint, my eyes burn 

Tell me it'll never happen again 

You think after saying that a thousand times, you'd have learned 

Oh boy, you really fucked up this time 

Thinking that I wouldn't find shit out 

I dare you to get down on your knees, apologize to me 

Cry me a river 

Whatcha gonna do to win my stupid little heart back? 

Do you mistake me for fool? 

I may have fallen for your act before 

Don't pull the heartbroken card on me 

it won't work anymore 

You can take your shit before I burn it 

Call me an arsonist, I earned it 

But the lesson here, hope you learned it 

I just wanted to get my point across before you turned it 

Forget the truth for a moment 

You told me that your heart was set on me 

But the next day you told me that hearts say stupid things 

Maybe you should shut your fucking mouth 

you buy me some fucking red roses 

Don't you know I prefer orchids? 

Oh boy, you really fucked up this time 

Thinking that I wouldn't find shit out 

I dare you to get down on your knees, apologize to me 

Cry me a river 

Whatcha gonna do to win my stupid little heart back? 

you told me that hearts say stupid things 

I guess that says a lot 

I knew I should've known from day one 

Next time I'll trust my gut 

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