His Creation

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(I think I don't need to say that this won't go according to the Light Novel , i will try to be as acurate as I can be with my limited knowledge but Rimuru will visit many Timelines in this Story even some we don't exactly now much from .. I already have trouble with it after the prologue)



/Ciel speaking with someone in his mind/


3rd POV

One day a Dragon was born into the [Nothingness] he had no name. The Dragon was the first existence in the wide range of this Nothingness he couldn't see anything after all no light exist , no colors what should he have seen.

Confused and not sure what this feeling was that he felt inside of him the Dragon Remained silent. After all how was it possible that he existed when .. nothing exists ? How could he think when something like thinking does not exist?

What was his reason to exist ? What was his misson ?

Time flew by doing nothing. Seconds , Minutes , Hours , Days , Months or even Years passed by he didn't knew what this was and yet he had a slight concept of it in his head.

Even more confused and angered that he couldn't find an answer on his existence the Dragon roared , he roared into the nothingness yet he heard a sound coming from his mout while he released a kind of black aura that filled the nothingness into black.

He created the Void.

[Announcing the first beeing in existence the True Dragon Rimuru Tempest : Void Dragon through the Voice of the Void]

A voice echoed in his head letters , words things he never saw and yet knew what they ment.

Thanks to the Void he now was able to see his body for the first time after all he was the only thing in this wide black Void he just created.

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He looked at his wings they were full of things he head in his head until now Stars , Planets Universes and many more things.

Just as he thought about it the Voice echoed in his head again.

[Due to beeing the Creator the Individual Rimuru Tempest has the power of Creation] The Voice of the Void said

The Dragon didn't need any more explanation and he created his first Universe including the so called Cardinal World were soon his Family Members the True Dragons will live.

He could feel how it drained his energy to create a so called Universe even when it was little but it worried him.

[Void Energy was created] The Voice echoed in his head and he absorbed the Energy that was present everywhere.

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