His Family

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Rimuru POV

Thanks to Ciel who now controls the creation of universes herself I have nothing to do and I wanted to test the sword that Ciel made.

/Master can punish those God's that abuse their powers/ Ciel said

/Hoo Is that so Ciel?/ I asked and she nodded.

As for those who ask how can I see Ciel nodding ? It's because I can see her everytime I want , she always is next to my soul because it's comfy there. Actually Ciel said that not me !

Annyways when I am in my Human form she also is in the same form with her red eyes.

/Then let's teleport there/ I said and Ciel teleported me to the exact position of those gods

"He who are you?"

"How dare you infiltrate the Heavenly Realm"

The Gods were furious and it actually made me laugh which only angered them more.

"You guys abuse your power's given by The Creator. You shall die" I said

"Hee? And some small frie like you want to kill us Gods" One of them said laughing


I could feel a murderous intent inside my body

/Master let me kill them , I shall let them suffer for what they said/ Ciel said with an creepy smile on her face.

'Notice to myself , never anger Ciel' I thought

/Did you forget why we came here Ciel?/

/No Master../


I then took out my sword and as soon as I filled it with my energy the blade turned pitchblack.

'Ohh .. this sure looks grate fufu'

And then with the first slash I did .. I .. ehem.. I destroyed the entire dimension what was it called ? Heavenly realm.

Well it was the time I realised that this sword was way to powerful and when I wouldn't controll it's power I could destroy a few Universes maybe.

/It was a huge success fufufu/ Ciel said and so I found out her most favorit hobby.

And it was non other then making things way to powerful.

And so Ciel and I went on Adventures , the time was running. Year after Year passed and each year Ciel grew more attached to me.

"Maaaster~ please message me" she said chilling on my bed. Yes you heared right my Bed after thousands of years we created a place in space near the Cardinal world , it was a simple island with a small lake a simple house a few flowers and so on.

"I won't message you everyday Ciel" I said looking at few manga's 'Those Humans sure creat such wonderful masterpieces !' I thought

"Hmmm!" Ciel pouted looking at me

"Don't look at me like that" I said

"But Master .."

"It's still a NO Ciel" I interupted her

I did a mistake and agreed once to message her after all she makes my job. But after that I spoiled her way to much so I will show her the cold shoulder now. I don't want her to be a spoiled brat.

"But .. I am your wife!" She exclaimed and I blushed as I heard that.

"We .. never really married Ciel .." I said and she then hugged me from behind

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