His Adventure

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3rd POV

Soon the True Dragons were living in the cardinal world , after all Rimuru created the Cardinal world for his kind. He wanted them to have fun.

As they went down to the Cardinal world they were all in their dragon Form flying around searching for a place to stay. They found a high Mountain and decided to live on top of it.

That mountain will be called Dragons Peak in the future and is located above the Dwarf Kingdom.

The Dragons didn't do anything special , Veldenava managed the world , Velzard and Velgrynd stayed on the mountain most of the time and Veldora went rampage in some areas and got scolded first by his sisters and then by Rimuru.

Someday Rimuru noticed some problems with the multiverse or better Ciel told him so he needed to leave.

"Brother do you really need to go ?" Velzard asked sad

"Yes little Snowfall , I will try to come back as soon as possible" Rimuru said patting her head

"Make sure to keep Veldora under your wings so that he doesn't cause any trouble and Veldenava you should look after our family" Rimuru said

"Yes brother I will protect them" Veldenava said

"Velgrynd don't fight with Velzard yeah?" Rimuru said and smiled

"Brother.." Velgrynd pouted

Then Rimuru left the Cardinal world to kill Devil God's , repairing Space Time cracks , reparing World that weren't completed from the start and much more problems that accured.

'haa ..really this is so boring' Rimuru thouught as he killed the 1.800.444.328 Evil God

/It's your responsibility/ Ciel said

/Mhh .. but they can't do anything why should I kill them ?/ I asked

/You are right Dear .. they are just ant's but regardless we don't want that they become more and more .. maybe sometimes they could destroy one multiverse/ Ciel said

/They won't have so much power in millions of years/ Rimuru said

/Don't slack off from your work dear!/ Ciel said

And so Rimuru went to millions of worlds , he gave power to certain individuals , he customized worlds , he reincarnated monster as humans , he looked over the heavenly realms at some point he even played in the worlds.

He followed some weird Pirates on their mission or fought against titans really really weird titans. He played as an Evil Curse or disguised himself as a beautiful Godess to catch unique Souls.

He had many adventures , of course only when it was job related then Ciel wouldn't let him slack off at all. She was such a strictly wife but loved him more then anything.

And then one day Rimuru felt trough the Soul Corridor that Veldenava died he was currently on a random planet as he felt that he was enraged and his aura leaked what was the cause for the complete destruction of this planet. Soon nothing was seen anymore the destroyed Planet was merged with the void.

/Dear calm down!/ Ciel tried her best to calm down Rimuru

But he didn't listened and it was a matter of seconds and the Universe was destroyed.

"Who did that ?" Rimuru asked with an voice Ciel didn't know

"Dear he had a human wife and they had a baby he lost most of his power and gave it to his child" Ciel said huggign Rimuru from behind as she created a clone for herself

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