Ok Thats It :>

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(Trigger warning: mentions of a suicide attempt. I will put a ⚠️ where the angst starts, and a 🟢where it ends, that way you don't have to skip this whole chapter over one little section)

Soon, me and America are leaving the bar, but he and Mexico have said bye a total of ten times and they still won't stop talking... I remember when me and France were like that. I take out twenty (insert currency here)s and hand it to America.

"You two like art, right?" I ask. The two nod, looking a bit curious as to what I'm planning. "There's a pop-up art festival happening near my house... I got a vantage point of them setting up from the island, and I see flyers for it everywhere... it looks fun. You two should go," I say. The two chuckle nervously, realizing I just set them up on a date.

"Um... if you're ok with it Ame...," Mexico said.

"I'm cool... are you?" America asked.

"Sure!" Mexico said. I smile, as the two get in Americas car and drive to the art festival. After saying goodbye to my brothers, I go home.

I walk through the front door, and Duke runs up to me and barks... he seems... worried? Anxious? I call out for Duchess, but she's not answering... I search the house... when I find her, I realize...


The next morning, I'm petting Duchess on the floor of the vets office. Poor Duchess looks exhausted... six puppies are a lot for one lady. Duke is just curiously sniffing at the pups... he doesn't seem to mind their presence, which is good. There is one pup in particular, though, who seems extremely anxious to leave the veterinarian office and explore the great outdoors. He pushes himself to the door with enthusiasm, despite just being born mere hours ago. The vet had to gently press him against Duchess's stomach to get him to start feeding. Suddenly, America calls me.

A: eyyyy soda pop, you wanna have that family dinner? Uncle Wales seemed on board with it

B: probably not tonight, Duchess just gave birth

A: really?? Oh my gosh I wanna meet the puppies!!!

B: I'll be bringing them home soon, I'll tell you when you can come over to meet them!

A: yay!! Puppies!

Later that day, I invite my sons to see the newborns. America even brought Buster, but he just lied morosely in a corner, uninterested.

"They're sooo cute!!! Have you named them?" Australia asked.

"Not yet," I say. The boys immediately start debating over the cutest names.

"I think I'll name these three... Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, or the three musketeers for short," Australia said, pointing out the three puppies who've stayed cuddled up together throughout their entire life so far.

"You don't remember your girlfriends name but you remember the names of the three musketeers?" New Zealand said. Australia scoffed.

"I remembered her name eventually, didn't I?" Australia said.

"And that name would be...?"

".....uhhhh.....," Australia said. The two started bickering over whatever, while Canada picked out his two favorite puppies and named them Honey and Maple. Meanwhile, America was just petting Buster, when the curious, energetic little puppy scooched close to Buster and started cuddling up against him. Buster seemed curious about the small pup, and slightly pushed him away with his snout, but the puppy scooched closer still, sniffing curiously. We all paused to watch this interaction. Duchess doesn't seem to mind her baby being with Buster. After all, she's known Buster her whole life. Buster eventually relaxes and lets the puppy curl up next to him.

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