3: Ticking Time Bomb

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~Here's the next chapter. Thank you all for being so patient. For those of you who have voted and commented, keep it up! You're feedback fuels me on. I hope you enjoy this chapter. More to come.~

Kieran sat in the car next to his assistant as they headed home. They had gone and toured Maxwell’s plant and he had to admit he was impressed and was sold on investing in the man’s company. He knew that it would yield a great profit for himself and Cayman Industries in the long run. He’d also been impressed with Ms. Douglas as well. She seemed to have done her research on not only Russo Agriculture, but the man himself. She was efficient that was for sure, and damn competent. Contrary to what he had believed at first.

They pulled up to his building and he got out, leading the way inside and over to his private elevator. He had given Timothy an access card to it along with a key to his condo, when Ms. Douglas moved in. He was sure to get both of them back from him and gave them to his assistant.

When they walked into the condo, Kieran went straight to his office. He had spent the last half of the day touring the plant and knew he had quite a few emails to respond to. He assumed that Ms. Douglas would do like she did every other evening. Change clothes and then prepare them something.

He hadn’t been in his office ten minutes when there was a knock on the door frame. He looked up to find her standing in the doorway, her head a mass of brown curls. It had been that way earlier as well, but now there was something else about them. They almost looked as if she’d just been thoroughly satisfied. His thoughts then immediately went to her writhing beneath him, and he felt himself begin to harden.

Bringing himself back to the present. He signaled to one of the chairs across from his desk. He tried not to watch the natural sway of her hips as she came in, but it was a bit of a challenge. Something had to be wrong with him. He figured it was just because he hadn’t been with a woman in a few months and his body was telling him it was time.

“What is it Ms. Douglas?”

“We need groceries.” She informed him simply.

“Why haven’t you gone and gotten any?” Was his bright response and from the look on her face, he could tell that it wasn’t the right thing to say.

“Maybe because I’ve been working just like you have.” She shot back, rolling her eyes.

Kieran felt his lips twitch slightly and he cleared his throat to stop himself from smiling. He had to admit, he did like her a lot more than his past assistants. Unlike them, she wasn’t one for holding her tongue when she felt it should be said and she hadn’t taken any of his crap. He’d only been working with her for the last three days and already he knew she was a bit of a spit fire.

“Well, why don’t you go and take care of that now.”

“I would, except I don’t know what you like. You gave me a list of things you’re allergic to. There was nothing on what you liked or disliked.” She responded folding her arms under her chest, causing the action to push her breast up and his eyes to immediately roam there.

“Just choose some things.”

“Or you could come with me.”

Kieran looked at her with a raise eyebrow. He had never been grocery shopping before in his life. That’s what his assistants were for and his housekeepers and nanny’s when he was younger. She couldn’t possibly be serious and want him to go, but as he looked at her face, he knew that she was all too serious.

For some reason unknown to him, he found himself rising from his desk chair and heading around his desk. She didn’t seem to need words as she led the way to the door and down the hall. They left the apartment and got into the elevator.

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