2: Doubly Impressed

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            Alijah woke to the chiming of her alarm clock. She quickly turned it off before turning on the lamp next to the bed. Getting up she stretched and padded across the soft carpet to her walk-in closet. Turning the light on, she looked through her work attire before settling on a black pencil skirt, peach blouse and peach pumps. She lay the outfit on the bed before going into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.

            After taking care of her hygiene routine, she headed out of the bathroom and the bedroom into the hall. Making her way towards the living room, she continued until she came upon the kitchen. It took her a moment, but she finally found the light and turned it on.

            Going through the refrigerator she discovered there wasn't much in it. She did however find some eggs and cheese, along with a green pepper and tomato. There was no meat to go into it, but she figured a veggie omelet would be just as good. She went about making breakfast, while making a mental note to tell Mr. Cayman that they needed, or rather she needed, to go grocery shopping. Especially if he expected her to cook.

            Alijah plated both of the omelets and placed them in the toaster to keep warm, while she started on coffee. He looked like the coffee type, while she herself preferred tea. However, after searching the luxurious kitchen she didn't find any. The coffee had just finished when she heard footsteps. Turning towards the entryway, she saw him standing, watching her.

"Good morning." She stated sitting the coffee on the bar before retrieving the omelets.

She placed one by the cup of coffee and gestured for him to have a seat, while she placed the other in the spot two down from it. She poured herself a cup of milk and got two forks before taking a seat. Closing her eyes briefly, she blessed her food before digging in.

They ate in silence, but Alijah hadn't expected him to make small talk. She rather preferred it that way. The less she had to talk to him, the less she had to deal with his coldness. It sounded like a good plan to her.            

Once she finished her food, she stood and took her plate over to the sink and rinsed it off along with her cup, before putting it in the dishwasher. She then exited the kitchen and made her way into her new bedroom. She picked up her phone and glanced at the clock seeing that it was almost six o'clock.

She made her way into the bathroom, brushing her teeth again before she went back into the bedroom and got dressed. Once done, she decided to leave her hair in its mass of curls. She put a bit of mouse in it before spraying it with a bit of water. It didn't take long, for her curls to set back. She finger combed them before going about doing her makeup which only ever consisted of eyeliner, mascara and light lipstick.

After slipping on her shoes, Alijah checked herself in the full length mirror on the inside of the closet door. She nodded in approval before grabbing the tablet and phone she had been given along with her personal phone. Placing them into her black Coach she'd gotten from Lawrence for graduation, she turned off her bedroom light before heading into the living room.

        She saw Mr. Cayman sitting on one of the black couches, talking on his phone. She looked up at the clock that sat on the mantel above the marble fireplace. Who could he possibly be talking to at 6:30 in the morning? When he saw her he told whoever he was talking to that he would call them back and stood to his feet.

        Bypassing her, he headed out of the door and she followed. The entire elevator and car ride were silent and again Alijah couldn't say that she minded. She would hold off speaking to him as long as possible. It was just something about the man that irked her so. She was sure it was his cold demeanor and she almost wanted to assure him that it was alright to not be an asshole some time in his life.

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