Clickety Click

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You get up out of bed and think about what the shadow said. You then realise that you don't need to think, as you see the note perfectly placed upon your phone:
"Yeah, so as I was saying before someone pushed you back to life, if you look at two people then immediately click your fingers, you can swap their bodies and reality will shift so they'll think the body they have just gained is theirs. If you swap bodies with someone, you'll take their place, and they will just continue in your life - think of it as autopilot. If you want to reset any swaps, just click your right fingers. Remember, swap, left; reset, right. Right, enjoy!"

You didn't believe this at all; or did you? You were a bit skeptical, so you walked downstairs and decided to swap your 10-year-old brother and 15-year-old twin sister. You look at your brother, then your sister, and click your fingers. You look up again to see your sister stood where your brother was, and your brother stood where your sister was. You decided to fully confirm that someone wasn't playing a huge prank on you, because there was no flash or 'poof' sound that symbolised a swap. You call out to your sister.
"Hey, um, Kiera?" you say.
"Yeah?" your brother's body replies. It had worked! 
"Oh, um, I forgot. Sorry."
You click your fingers again to reset the swap and run out of the door to make some more changes, this time to complete strangers.

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