The Ghost Town

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"It's the Ghost Town!" Trevor repeated.

Alex and I didn't make any sound. The misty fog slowly faded until we clearly saw the gate. The sinister place was exactly the same as it looked in my dream.

"Sis." Alex whispered as she held my left arm. "Are you ready?"

I looked into her eyes, as if the world's demise was about to come. Deeply and deeply as thousands of thoughts entered my mind. Was I really ready? I think I was, after the years of waiting for answers about my parents' disappearance... My parents. Right. They're the reason why we're here.

"Yes. I am. You're with me right?" I responded.

"Of course dudette!" She answered with a big smile.

"Catch!" Trevor was always a mood killer.

"Oh! You!" Alex panicked as the backpack hit her face. I couldn't help it, I chuckled. I caught the backpack Trevor threw in my direction.

"Ready now?" Trevor's eyes were laid to the gate. Without another word, he held our hands and pulled us forward. We followed as we ran to the gate.

That was the longest 20 seconds of my life. Mom, dad, mom, dad. That's all I can think of. And after the run, we halted, facing the gate that was a meter away from where we were standing. That was it. The gate I'd been longing to face. There were words scribbled on the gray walls. Blood was used to squiggle the words. Terrifying words were there.

"Death for Power"

Just like what Trevor said, this monstrous family killed people for power.

I can say it was a chaotic place. The place had nasty smell. Bones were scattered everywhere. I was able to tell, those unfortunate people died many years ago. There were bloodstained weapons hung on the walls. Axe, chainsaws, knives, hammers, scissors, and many more. I heard some noise, like someone was in a hurry. I looked back. The leaves were moving to the left because of the wind. We followed the path the leaves were going.

We saw houses made of bricks. They looked burned. They just, looked burned. I was curious. Why did those houses look burned? But there were no damages visible.

We continued walking in the alley. The chills were all over our body. The cold breeze moved my blonde hair. After a few seconds, something sharp and invisible touched my face. The blood dripped to my hands. Alex covered her mouth and her eyes widened.

"Sis, what happened?"

"I don't know. I felt something sharp touched my skin. Stay alert! Maybe it is trying to attack us now."

"Prepare your weapons. Don't separate." Trevor alerted us.

We continued walking until the end of the alley. We saw a huge building. No damage. No blood. No mark of being burned. All white. No bloody smell. A curious look filled our faces.

"I've never seen a house like this since I left." He said.

I was puzzled. Oh no. This is a deja vu. These things happened in my dream. All of it, exactly the same as what I saw, from the moment we stepped in the gate. I thought. But I couldn't be so sure. I was hoping that these was just one of the teaser dreams I had.

"Kim? Is that you? Help us! I'm here with your dad." My mom screamed! They heard my voice. They were crying as if someone was torturing them.

"Mom! We will help you, hang on!" Alex shouted.

"Kim... A---lex... It---s a tra---" I couldn't hear what Trevor was yelling by that time. As if his voice was sinking. All I was thinking was the voice of my parents. The voice of someone I longed for. My heart stopped beating. I was so close; I can reach out to their voices. But I can hear my parents were in pain. I felt like my heart was torn to two.

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