Chapter Two

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Nico's POV.

Why is Hades would Annabeth tell Percy she was a friend!? Her words ran over my mind like a truck. That was until Will mentioned my name. "Sure!" Percy yelled like a giddy child. I smiled softly. I know what I said. He wasn't my type. Total lie. There you happy!? "Nico, come on." Jason urged taking Percy by the arm trying to help him up. "Oh right." I responded. Walking around Camp Half Blood? More like running around after Percy. He was like a child running around a candy store. "Percy! Slow the fuck down!" I yelled after him. Jason, being the asshole he was, flue above me not looking tried at all. I would shadow travel but there too far... Call me lazy but traveling takes energy too. Anyway, when we reached his cabin he literally did something I never thought he'd do. "Holy Hera! What a mess!" You guessed it. Percy fucking Jackson was cleaning! It was a miracle! Jason's jaw literally dropped to the ground and my eyes widen. In mere minutes his cabin was clean! "That's better." he smiled and made himself comfortable one of his bed. "Why are you staring at me? I mean I know I'm hot and all but please. Take a picture. It'll last longer." Percy sassed at us. "oh no you didn't." I snapped setting one of my hands on my hips. "Careful reaper boy." Percy warned tisking. "Your rainbow is showing." Jason burst out laughing floating up to the ceiling almost hitting his head. "reaper boy!?" I yelled the heat rising to my face. "I'm joking Neeks." he laughed as my blushed deepened. "Ugh!" I growled out as Jason calmed down. "You guys gay as shit. Come on let's go, it's lunch." the blond smiled as Percy jumped up. "Food!" He screamed happily running out the door. "Perseus get the fuck back here!" Someone please remind me why I love him again?

When Percy run into the cafeteria (?) everyone's heads turned to him. "Percy!" Jason yelled out basically tackling him making me trip in the fucking process. Long story short, I ended up in a sandwich. I laid on Jason back side ways, Jason on Percy's chest, as Percy on the bottom flapping his arms around yelling shit like, "Rape! Murder!!!" "Holy Shit Percy shut up!" Jason yelled trying to get up. "Nico, care to get off?" He asked as I rolled off my back hitting the floor with a smack. "Ah! Shit!" I groaned standing while clutching my throbbing shoulder. "I think I died. Jason you broke my ribs." Percy squeaked out as the blond got off. "your alive seaweed brain." I retorted as the son of the sea laughed. "Hey that's clever. Cause I'm a son of Poseidon." he laughed making me roll my eyes. "Yeah I got it." Jason smiled grabbing an enchanted plate. "Here Perce. Come on sit over here." Jason urged making me follow the two to the Poseidon table. We sat down as Percy pouted. "Where's the food?" He asked staring at the empty plate. "Think of something you want to eat. And it'll appear." Jason explained and Percy shut his eyes really tight, and thought. Soon his plate appeared to what was a begun and fries. And his goblet filled with coke. Opening his eyes, Percy gawked and a sly smile appeared. "Blue coke!" He yelled and the side turned blue. "I think I just had some déjà vu." I said blinking a few times in confusion. "So this is want a real life krabby patty looks like." Percy whispered quiet loudly poking the burger. "whoa whoa whoa hold the fuck up. You wanted a Krabby Patty?" I asked him as he nodded proudly and sank his teeth into it. I stared at Jason in disbelief. "You've got to shitting me." I whispered to him as the blond ruffled my hair. "Awh come on Nick. Don't act like you've never wanted to try one." "I'm surrounded by idiots."

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