Chapter 3

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They didn't know how long they sat there in each others arms on the floor. We were there until the sun came up and Gwen came looking for her mistress only to find them both asleep, still clinging to the other. Gwen couldn't help the knowing smile that split her face as she saw her two best friends in a lovers embrace. She chuckled softly to herself as she carefully descended the stairs and walked out the door.Moments later, Morgana began to stir. The movements quickly awakened Merlin.

He swerved his head from side to side, trying to remember why he was in the floor instead of his floor. When he saw who it was he was holding, his face took on a shade crimson. His face took on a brighter shade as Morgana burrowed her head deeper into the folds of his tunic, searching for warmth.

With fingers as careful as that of a physician, he carefully pulled morgana into a different position in his arms. He slowly stood up, careful not to jostle the sleeping girl in his arms, and made his way over to the small bed. He laid her down with great gentleness then carefully pulled apart her fingers that had fisted a section of blue fabric from his tunic.

He looked down and couldn't help but marvel in the beauty that was the kings ward. With dark, silky hair that splayed across his pillow and creamy white skin that seemed to glow, her beauty could easily rival that of an angel. As though she could feel his eyes on her, she shifted in her sleep and started to mumble softly.

As though a fire was lit under his feet, Merlin quickly stumbled out of his small bedroom. Now that he was alone, the situation hit him like a punch to his stomach. Morgan knows. Morgana knows! Why did that sentence fill him with equal amount of terror and happiness.

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