Chapter Three

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Dean's head was killing him from the past few hours since he woke up. He couldn't quite remember what happened after he met up with Robin. All his thoughts had consumed him, especially since he was surprised to find her in Kentucky. All he remembered was going to the bar, then nothing else. It was like something took a chunk out of his brain and replaced with mush. Sam had gone out to ask around the town about the disappearances of leaving Dean in the motel room alone.

"This is ridiculous," Dean said to himself. "I feel perfectly fine. I don't feel like anything is wrong with me!" Before Dean could react, he felt pain shoot throughout his body, causing him to flinch in pain and grip the sink. He gasped for breath and looked in the mirror. Suddenly his eyes had changed from human to fox like irises. Dean blinked a few times and saw that his regular eyes were back. The wound in his neck, however, disappeared. Like it had never been there. "What the hell?"

Suddenly, Dean heard someone knocking on the door, snapping him from his thoughts. Dean huffed and walked over to the door. He pulled it open to find Robin standing there.

"Robin? Now's not a good time," Dean said, attempting to close the door, but Robin stopped him and stepped inside. "What are you doing?"

"I just came to check on you," Robin answered. "I thought that after last night we could spend time together,"

"Sorry Robin, but I have to go help my brother with this case," Dean said, attempting to get away from Robin. However, Robin grabbed Dean's hand, hoping to keep him away from helping his brother.

"Wait Dean," Robin said, pulling Dean to face her. The two locked eyes, allowing Robin to use her mind control to manipulate Dean. "Don't go, please stay," Dean stood still. He wasn't sure why, but Robin suddenly consumed all his thoughts.

"Okay, I'll stay," Dean said.

"Excellent," Robin responded, and kissed Dean on the lips. Dean kissed her back while the two had made their way to the bed. Rather than taking all their clothes off, Robin pulled away and got on the bed. "Why do you even want to help your brother in the first place? Surely you would much rather be free from all of this."

"It's always been like that," Dean responded, still in a trance. "I always have to look out for Sam. I never had peace of mind.."

"Well, let me help you out," Robin said, extending her fangs. "Trust me sweetheart things will be different you just got to let the change happen," Without hesitation Robin bit down on Dean's neck causing him to wince in pain but while Robin was drinking more of Dean's blood and injecting venom into his bloodstream, Sam was on the phone with Garth trying to figure out how to kill a tribreed.

"Remind me again what kind of tribrid you're dealing with?" Garth asked.

"A vampire, Kitsune, and werewolf, from the looks of it," Sam responded.

"How is that even possible? Kitsune's and werewolves are cousins to each other," Garth responded. "Then again, anything in this supernatural world can come as a shock." Sam rolled his eyes and told Garth to get on with it.

"Well, because they're three breeds of monsters, you can either kill them by beheading them or stabbing them in the heart," Garth explained. "But there's one handicap about this,"

"What's that?" Sam said worriedly.

"They are very particular about the victims they take," Garth responded.

"What do you mean by take?" Sam questioned. "I'm only searching for the alpha to take it down,"

"You will not like it," Garth warned, but Sam pushed Garth to tell him so he could be aware. "While some victims they kill, others they're most fond of, some that are strong willed, brave, and most of all they go for someone whose guilt-ridden much like Osiris," Sam's eyes widened, realizing that Garth described Dean easily.

"What happens if they get what they want?" Sam asked.

"If they get what they want, then they will become stronger," Garth responded. "Whatever they're doing, Sam, they're trying to grow their numbers, which means you and your brother got to watch your backs. Now get back to work, you idjit!" After Garth had made his point, he hung up, leaving Sam outside by the impala. When Dean hadn't come out, Sam raced inside to search for his brother. Once he got to their motel room, he quickly opened the door and stepped inside to find Dean lying unconscious on the bed. Sam ran over to his brother and tried to shake him awake.

"Dean!" Sam exclaimed. Dean gasped and sat up, suddenly feeling like someone had hit him with a rock. He was in a lot of pain and wasn't sure how to react, but when he saw his brother he realized where they were. "Dean? Are you okay? What happened?" Dean was about to answer but he could barely hear Sam, especially since someone was playing their radio full blast.

"What? Sammy I can barely hear you?" Dean responded, and covered his ears. "But can someone turn down that radio?!"

"What radio?" Sam asked as he looked over and saw that the window was open like someone had jumped out. Sam closed the window, blocking any sound from the outside world, and turned back to his brother. "Dean, can you hear me now?"

"Yeah," Dean answered, "Sam? What are you doing here? I thought you were asking about the disappearances?"

"I was, and I called Garth, but then I came here because I had a bad feeling," Sam answered. However, upon listening to Sam's heartbeat, he knew Sam was telling the truth.

"Why were you talking to Garth? And why are you lying about talking to people?" Dean questioned, unsure about how he knew his brother was lying. It surprised Sam he wasn't expecting his brother to know he was lying.

"I was talking to Garth so we could figure out what to do about this tribrid but he said something that... you know what, maybe it's not good if you know."

"Sammy... quit lying to me," Dean responded. Sam sighed, seeing that he would not get away with it.

"Fine, Garth warned me that if we are dealing with a vampire, kitsune, werewolf tribreed then that means they would go after people," Sam explained. "Specific people they could use to grow their numbers. A strong willed, brave, guilt-ridden person," he continued and noticed the wound again on Dean's neck, which looked fresh. "Dean? Was there someone else in here with you?"

"Um... no," Dean answered. "Only Robin,"

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