Chapter Nine

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Dean didn't quite know what he was doing, but his brother was planning something, and he would not let this fall through. Dean kept the needle in his pocket as he stepped away from Sam. When Gordon heard nothing, he wondered if his recruit was even listening.

"Dean?" Gordon started only to dive out of the way while Dean was attempting to attack him, forcing him to get back up, ready to fight back. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Trying to kill you!" Dean exclaimed, pulling out the syringe, Dean uncapped it and tried to plunge the needle into Gordon, however, amongst the struggle the needle flew out of Dean's hand and landed in front of Sam, Sam was rubbing the rope against the pole trying to break himself free. Meanwhile, Dean was shoved against the table in the room. He flinched as Gordon extended his claws and took a swipe at Dean. Remembering everything that he could do as a hunter, he grabbed Gordon by the arm and shoved him forward. When Sam could break free from his binds, the rope snapped and Sam dove forward, grabbing the syringe just in time too since Gordon had Dean pinned against the wall, practically choking him.

"I had such high hopes for you, Dean," Gordon said. "But just like the rest, you are nothing but a worthless piece of shit." Dean struggled to breathe and saw that Sam broke free. "Any last words?" Sam tossed the needle toward his brother as Dean broke free, grabbing the needle from the air. He plunged the needle into one of Gordon's veins, causing him to wince in pain. Dean removed some of Gordon's blood until the needle was full with the red liquid. "Yeah," Dean said. "It's over," Gordon fell back but quickly recovered. Using whatever strength he had left, he grabbed Sam and placed his claws against Sam's throat.

"Give me that needle or else your brother dies," Gordon responded. "I know what you and your brother were attempting to do. I will not let you get to me. Did you really think that it would be that easy to stop me?"

"Gordon, let him go. He has nothing to do with this," Dean demanded.

"He does," Gordon responded. "It would have been easier if you killed him, like I told you to do." Before Gordon could do anything else, Sam made the bold move and elbowed Gordon in the stomach, forcing him to let Sam go. Sam broke free and stepped away as Dean attacked Gordon, who was disoriented. Groaning, Gordon recovered and looked over at Dean. Dean grabbed Gordon by the arm and stabbed him with the needle. It wasn't supposed to hurt, however, that was different for Gordon because it caused him to cry out from all the movements. Now that the needle brought the blood out from Gordon's vein. Dean had been dreaming about it for a while and punched Gordon in the face. Upon impact, he passed out and collapsed on the floor, unconscious.

"That was for turning me, you asshole," Dean warned. "Come on Sammy, let's tie him up," Sam nodded as the two grabbed silver chains and chained Gordon to the nearest pole. Sam knew that the blood would not work unless Gordon was alive, so he had to contain all his anger after everything that Gordon put him through. Taking chances, the brothers raced out of the mill and ran back to the motel they were staying at where Sam could finish the rest of the ritual, they were running out of time since the spell needed to be done by the full moon otherwise the change would be permanent. The brothers arrived just in time to find that the full moon was in the sky and not a single cloud covered it. Once they got inside, Sam recited the incantation and dropped the last ingredient into the bowl. A small explosion happened as smoke appeared from the bowl. After the smoke died down, all that was there was a drinkable liquid. It was blood red, which Sam hoped was a good sign.

"Sammy?" Dean said. "We need to hurry this up. I don't feel so good,"

"Don't worry, Dean," Sam responded as he poured the thick liquid into an empty glass. "You don't feel you need to drink, do you?"

"Sam, don't ask questions," Dean answered. "Unless you want to be the next person I drain,"

"Here, drink this." Sam handed his brother the glass. "It should change you back,"

"What the hell is this?" Dean questioned.

"Don't worry about it, drink it Dean now," Sam ordered. Dean nodded his head and downed the liquid. The minute that he drank the liquid, Dean suddenly coughed up black goo. It was like when he got turned into a vampire. His head hurt and everything in the room was going blurry as he collapsed on the ground. Sam raced over to his brother and started shaking him, calling for Dean to wake up, but when Dean never woke, Sam became worried, thinking that he may have killed his own brother. "De, come on, please don't mess with me. Wake up!" A few minutes later, Dean gasped and awoke, nearly bumping heads with his brother.

"Ow!" Dean exclaimed. "What the hell?"

"Dean? Are you okay?" Sam questioned.

"As soon as you stop yelling, then maybe I will let you know," Dean answered, causing his brother to chuckle and wrap his arm tightly around Dean. Dean winced, but hugged his brother back. "Dude? Are you okay? I wasn't gone. I've been here," Sam pulled away and looked at Dean, confused and wondering why Dean couldn't remember anything.

"What are you talking about? Don't you recall anything that happened these past few weeks?" Sam asked.

"No? Have you been drinking?" Dean responded. At that point, Sam was hesitant. He was unsure if he wanted to tell his brother what happened while they were here in California. Dean simply shook his head, hoping that Sam would fill in any missing gaps that disappeared.

"What do you remember?" Sam questioned.

"I remember we were working a case here in California," Dean explained. "Something about dead bodies and a tribrid? Then I remembered seeing Robin and after that, nothing." Before Sam could say anything else, they heard a slow clap from behind them. Sam and Dean turned their attention away from themselves and to the front door to find Gordon laughing evilly.

"How sweet," Gordon said. "But too bad you two won't live,"

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