Chapter Five

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Still missing, 34-year-old Robin from Hurleyville NY. Robin left her father's cafe around five in the evening. She was heading home, but according to her parents, she never returned. Police are still searching for the missing girl. As far as citizens are concerned, the girl is still likely alive. However, police are questioning if she is dead or still alive somewhere. Sam reread the article multiple times when a thought occurred to him. Dean already ran into her while they were on a case. The disappearances in town and the bite marks linked to Dean and Robin. Something that he wasn't expecting.

Sam worried for his brother's sake. He wondered if Dean found out all about what her. Though he was still head over heels for Robin. Sam was still deep in thought when the motel door opened, revealing Dean, only he seemed different.

"Dean? Where have you been?" Sam asked. "Dude, see what I found,"

"What is it?" Dean questioned nonchalantly. "Did you get a lead?"

"Yes, and it links to your girlfriend," Sam answered. "Dean, I think you need to be careful," Sam watched as his brother was going through the kitchen and noticed that he was searching for something. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Sam," Dean said, "but don't we have anything in here like meat or hearts or something?"

"I'm sorry, but did you just say hearts?" Sam questioned. However, Dean got more agitated as they were talking. Dean pushed past his brother since his hunger was growing, but paused at the window. Sam was about to say something when he saw Dean standing by the window and looking up at the sky. The younger Winchester walked over and touched his brother on the shoulder. But what he hadn't realized was that Dean was already changing. He grabbed his brother's wrist and flung him onto the bed aggressively. Sam groaned but shook off the feeling of seeing double. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" He continued, "Dean, you're acting like an animal! Did Robin do something to you?"

"Don't you fucking dare talk about Robin," Dean exclaimed in anger. "Or I'll rip your heart out!" His eyes briefly changed from green to werewolf yellow and formed foxlike irises. Suddenly, Dean stumbled back, nearly hitting the wall. Thankfully, Sam could save his brother before he could do any actual damage.

"De? Everything okay?" Sam questioned, even though he knew that something was up with his brother.

"I'm fine," Dean responded, and pushed his brother away. "Now get off me," Sam had a brief thought, something that he wouldn't dare attempt, but desperate times called for desperate measures. Sam reached on the table and grabbed a silver dagger. At first Dean wasn't exactly sure what his brother was doing, however the minute that he saw the silver dagger in his brother's hand he stepped away from it. "Sammy? Put the dagger down,"

"Sorry man, but I can't do that," before Dean could react, Sam sliced toward his brother, who immediately dodged and grabbed Sam's wrist.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Dean exclaimed. "Stop playing with me, Sammy!" Sam pulled his wrist away and left a minor cut on Dean's wrist. Immediately, Dean felt a searing pain shoot up his arm as she doubled back in fear. Panting, Dean narrowed his eyes toward his brother. "You hurt me!"

"Dean, I had to know," Sam answered. "Robin turned you into a tribrid!" He continued. "Can't you see? That's the only reason she hooked up with you!" Dean growled. Sam realized it was no longer his brother but a monster. Dean attempted to attack Sam, but Sam was quicker on his feet. He dove to the side while Dean crashed into the table, catching his fall. He turned back toward his brother. "This is not you Dean,"

Dean's teeth turned sharp like a werewolf. Sam couldn't believe that he was blind. The tribrid was in front of him the whole time. Robin somehow could turn Dean into one of them. Though when Dean was about to attack his brother, recognition crossed his face, not willing to risk hurting his brother, he ran, jumped out of the window and landed on the concrete with ease. Dean took off to get as far away from Sam as he could. No way was he going to hurt his brother, not now, never. Sam ran for the window to find that his brother was already gone. Heart pounding, Sam grabbed his phone and called Garth. The minute Garth answered, Sam explained what happened quickly. However, Garth told him to remain calm, and slow down.

"Sorry dude," Sam said, "a lot has happened."

"Yeah I can tell. Now tell me from the beginning what happened," Garth reassured Sam. Sam took a deep breath and explained slowly so Garth could understand.

"The tribrid has gotten to my brother," Sam explained. "He's turned into a vampire, werewolf, kitsune," Sam continued. "I don't know what to do, man,"

"If your brother is turned, then you have to work quick," Garth answered. "Once Dean meets up with the alpha and performs the ritual, it would be too late and your brother would be lost,"

"But if he had to turn into a real tribrid wouldn't he have drank human blood or a fellow tribrid's blood?" Sam questioned.

"No, that was only to complete the transformation," Garth answered. "The ritual is a sacrifice, much like werewolves and kitsune's. They must kill as a pack to complete initiation," he continued. "The only way for the ritual to work is when the turned victim kills someone they're closest to," he kept going. "It could either be a friend or family member. If the tribrid refuses, they will become an omega, the lowest ranking in the pack. Omegas are most vulnerable alone," while Garth was explaining it, Sam discovered that the only other person who Dean was close with would be him.

"Wait, so that means..." Sam started.

"Yes, you would be the sacrifice, Sam," Garth finished.

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