The dorm

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We all made it to the dorms and walked right in, to see Min-su and Do-woon playing a bunch of video games. U-jin and Kwang-sun were figuring out how to make dinner. Dae-Hyun and Byeong-ho were just watching them struggle.

"The maknaes are home!" Min-su yelled as he stared at the TV arguing with Do-woon.

"Chan-yeol! Okay, what is your favorite food from the states?" U-Jin asked running to the door with a pan in one hand and an apron wrapped around his body.

"Uh, probably would have to be pizza or spaghetti and meatballs"

"Kwang-sun! Can we make pizza or spaghetti and meatballs?" He ran back into the kitchen as I walked to the living room and sat beside Min-su.

"Chan chan! Happy birthday little dude!" He looked towards me and started messing with my hair.

"Really? You still call me that?"

"Oh come on, Chan Chan is a good nickname. Better than Kimchi's here"

Ichiro glared at Min-su as he walked towards our room. Min-su being the eldest member enjoyed coming up with nicknames for the members. I was Chan Chan, Ji-Ho was JiJi like his stage name, Ichiro was Kimchi because Kimura Ichiro mixed together pretty much makes Kimchi and Byeong-Ho was Bong. I don't know why, but that was his nickname. Dae-Hyun was Dae because that was what Haneul said it was. Do-Woon was Koala just like his emoji. Kwang-sun was Sunshine because he was always happy. And U-Jin was JinJin.

"So, Min-su hyung. Did you all get me a present?"

"I can let you win in this game"

"At least Ji-Ho and Ichiro made me a cake"

"Speaking of cake. You guys brought that home right?"

"Yeah Ji-Ho should've put in the fridge by now"

"Sweet! What is JinJin making you for dinner?"

"Most likely pizza. But could also be rice, kimchi and seaweed, because they can't cook"

"Yeah, we need to learn how to cook soon. It's been 3 years"

"Don't you know how to cook? I thought you did whenever you served in the military for a year"

"I did, but I hate cooking. Plus Koala wanted me to play this game with him and JinJin felt bad because he doesn't do anything special for you, so he offered to make dinner"

Kwang-sun walked into the living room looking concerned and wiping his face with a towel.

"So, how mad do you think the manager will be if we ask him to order food because U-Jin hyung burned something"

"How bad is the burn?" Min-su asked as he paused his game.

We all walked into the kitchen to witness Dae-Hyun and Byeong-Ho laughing as hard as they could. U-Jin was covered in the carbon dioxide foam from the fire extinguisher and there was a pan sitting on the stove drowned in it.

"How bad did you burn the food?!" Do-woon yelled as he looked at U-Jin.

"Not too bad, just enough to where we need to order food" He slightly chuckled as Min-su helped him wipe off the stuff on his face.

"He set the pan on fire. Almost lit his hair on fire" Dae-Hyun tried to say in between his laughs.

"Bong or Sunshine. Call the manager and tell him what happened" Min-su said as he started to clean the stove off.

"Sorry Chan-yeol for ruining your birthday dinner. We tried to make it special" U-Jin patted me on the back as he sighed

"It's okay. Just spending my birthday with my hyungs is enough"

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