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Today was the day we were heading to ISAC. I was pretty excited since it was our first year, but also nervous because it was our first year. I also heard that Gen10 would be there to support us, so I was excited to see my brother again.

“Okay everyone, put on these tracksuits and name tags before we head out” Our manager quickly said as he passed out the nametags and tracksuits for each of us.

We had black track stuff on. I quickly put my nametag on and flattened it out the best I could, so everyone could read it. My group walked out into the arena where a lot of other k-pop groups were waiting for everything to start. In the stands I saw our fans holding up the lightsticks and banners to support us. Right in the front row, I could see all of Gen10 supporting us.

“Hwang Dae-Hyun!” I heard Haneul shout as Dae-Hyun’s ears turned bright red.

“Aw, your best friend misses you Dae-Hyun,” Min-su teased.

“Choi Min-Su!” Si-woo called, making Min-su embarrassed.

“Your friends are something else” Byeong-Ho commented as we all walked to our spot.

After a while, we finally got to our first event. 70m dash. Do-woon got ready and headed to the starting line as he was in the first heat. We all cheered him on as he bent down, waiting for the signal. I could hear Seo-Jun yelling from the stands, cheering on his friend. I heard from Do-woon and Dae-Hyun that their other friends also came to support them.

I heard the starting shot and watched Do-woon as he ran as fast as he could until he ran into the padded wall at the end. It was a close one between him and some other dude, but luckily Do-woon finished in first.

“Yeah, Do-woon!” Min-su cheered as he came walking over to us.

“Do-woon!” Seo-Jun and Ji-Hoon yelled, waving their lightstick in the air.

Do-woon gave a small wave to his friends as he sat down beside us. A couple more heats ran before it was the last race for Do-woon to see who wins the gold medal. He stood up and walked back over to the starting line and got into position. Everyone went silent as the starting shot went off and I could see Do-woon running as hard as he could. Sadly, someone got ahead of him and he only got second. Which is still good for being his first time at ISAC, but I knew a lot of fans were expecting him to win gold medals left and right like Seo-Jun.

“You did great, leader” Dae-Hyun said as Do-woon walked over to us.

“Yeah, but I could’ve done better”

“It’s only our first year. We can’t win them all”

“Let’s just win the relay”

Ji-Ho was off stretching so we could prepare for the relay portion. I was pumped to compete, but I felt pressured with my brother watching knowing he won every time he did the relay. Dae-Hyun came up behind me and laid a hand on my shoulder.

“You’re not the only one feeling pressured by Gen10. Min-su is doing archery and Si-woo did it as well, Haneul did the relay, and so am I. Do-woon is friends with two olympic runners, and you’re brothers with Quill. We all feel pressured by them”

“I guess I just feel like we need to do as well as them”

“Don’t feel that way. We can win this relay, we have the fastest guys” Dae-Hyun turned me towards the crowd of our fans. “Plus, we have support from fans and Gen10”

“I guess you’re right. Now come on, let's go win our first gold!” I grabbed his hand and dragged him over to where Ji-Ho and Do-woon were stretching.

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