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Hiiii my babies! Here's another chapter. Let me know what you think! 💕✨

March 23, 2022 (March 23, 2020 was my due date ☺️)


"Babe!" I heard Gabi call me. I was currently in the kitchen making her a grilled cheese and pickle sandwich. I shook my head in disgust. If I didn't know Gabi was pregnant and if she wasn't showing, I would have been able to put two and two together to know that she was pregnant because she hates pickles. So the fact that she has a taste for them right now is a definite confirmation that she's pregnant.

"I'm coming baby, give me a second." I called back as I put her sandwich on a plate and grabbed her cup of ice and a bottle of her Evian water. "What's wrong baby?" I asked as I walked over to her and put her plate and water on the coffee table.

"My back hurts." She cried. I frowned as sat next to her and started massaging her back.

"Is this helping?" I asked her.

"A little." She said. "Can you go lower to right above my butt? That's where it hurts the most." She said. I nodded as I worked my way down her back and massaged the spot that she was complaining about. "Oh my God." She moaned. I laughed as I kissed her neck.

"Is that better?" I asked her. She nodded.

"For sure." She said. "Thank you baby." She said. I kept going for a few minutes before I stopped. She turned around and got comfortable on the couch before I grabbed her legs and put them on my lap. I handed her the plate with her food on it before I started rubbing and massaging her feet. "This is good baby, thank you." She said as she smiled while she ate her sandwich. "You want some?" She asked.

"No thank you, Queen. You eat up love." I said to her. We sat around and watched tv until she dozed off. I chuckled as I turned the tv off and grabbed a blanket and threw it over her. I kissed her forehead before I grabbed my keys and phone and walked out the front door. I locked it behind me before walking to my truck.

I was on my way to the gym when my phone started ringing. "Hello?" I answered through the Bluetooth.

"Mr. Will!"


I heard Nyla and Tianna yell. I laughed as I shook my head. "What are you two divas up to?" I asked them. They giggled.

"We wanna come spend the day with you and Gabi." Tianna spoke. I smirked.

"Gabi is sleeping right now, but I can come get you guys in a little bit. I have some errands to run." I said.

"Okay daddy, bye!" Tianna said.

"Bye Mr. Will!" Nyla said before they hung up the phone. I shook my head as I chuckled, those two are something else.


I woke to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned as I grabbed it and answered it. "Hello?" I answered groggily.

"Damn, did I wake you babe? My fault." I heard Will say. I rolled my eyes as I laughed.

"You did, but it's fine. What's up?" I asked him as I sat up and made my way upstairs to his room so that I could take a shower.

"The girls wanna come and spend time with us. I was thinking about taking them out somewhere though. Are you up for doing anything today?" He asked. I yawned as I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on.

"It depends. What are we doing?" I asked him.

"There's this children museum downtown and it has a bunch of different toys and activities for kids to play with and do. Then I was going to take them to get their nails and toes painted, and then take them out to eat before we head home." He said. That sounds like fun, but I'm tired as fuck.

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