26 (Part 2)

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I groaned as my head pounded as I heard a constant beeping. I slowly opened my eyes and squinted as the bright lights shined in my face. I closed them back before opening them again and letting myself get adjusted to the lights. I looked down and saw an IV in my arm and I groaned. "What the fuck?" I muttered as I looked around the room. I saw Will sleeping in a chair next to my bed. He had a bandage on his forehead but other than that he looked fine. Granted, I could see dried up tear stains on his face and that instantly worried me. Me on the other hand, I feel like I got hit by a truck. "Babe." I called out to him. I leaned over as best as I could and shook him awake. "Will, wake up." I said as I continued to shake him. He slightly jumped and looked around. He looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"Hey beautiful." He said as he leaned over and kissed me. "How are you feeling?" He asked. I leaned back on the bed and sighed.

"Tired and sore as fuck. What the fuck happened and why am I in here?" I asked him. He sighed as he ran a hand down his face. He just looked at me for a minute as his eyes welled up with tears and the sight broke my heart. I didn't even realize that I had started crying as well until I felt him wipe a tear away. "Babe? What happened?" I asked softly. He came and sat next to me on the bed and wrapped his arms around me. He's being way too calm right now.

"We got into a car accident a few days ago. We were on our way to the baby shower and-" He started but I stopped him.

"Baby shower?" I exclaimed as I pushed the blanket off of me and looked down at my belly and saw that it had went down. "Where's my baby?" I asked him as the tears continued to fall. He shook his head.

"Last I heard, they were about to start running scans and tests on him to make sure everything is alright. You had to have an emergency c-section, so he was born prematurely at only 36 weeks, and there's a chance he might be in the NICU for some time. We got hit pretty bad." He said. I shook my head as the tears continued to fall.

"What the fuck? I need to see my baby, Will. I need to see that he's alright!" I said as I tried to get out of bed but he gently grabbed my arm and made me sit still. I groaned as my abdomen started hurting from the C-section, I totally forgot he just told me that I had to have one.

"Baby, calm down. He's going to be fine but I need you to relax. You just had a C-section, you need to lay back and relax." He said as he tucked me in and sat in the chair next to me. I pouted as I looked at him and the tears kept falling. He wiped my tears away and kissed me gently. "Everything will be OK. I'm going to go get your nurse, I'll be right back. Hopefully the nurse can update us on him or can go and see how he's doing." He said. I nodded as he kissed my forehead before walking out the door. I sighed as I started crying again. This can't be my life right now. I shook my head as the tears continued to fall and I sent a silent prayer to God asking him to wrap his arms around my baby boy.


I had just walked out of Gabi's room to get her nurse and my heart broke as I heard her soft cries in the room as she waited for me to come back. "Hey, Gabi's up now." I said to the nurse at the desk. She looked up at me and nodded.

"Okay, I'll be right there." She said as she typed on the computer. I nodded as I pulled my phone out and sent a group text to my parents and Gabi's parents to let them know that she was awake.

"Thank you." I said as I turned around and walked back in the room. "The nurse will be in here in a few minutes baby." I said to her. She nodded as she looked blankly at the TV. I saw that she had it on BET and The Parkers was on. I went and sat next to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she leaned her head on my chest.

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