Chapter 1

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✴No ones Pov✴
Somewhere in a white void with floating papers and a figure sitting in the middle of the void looking at the floating papers that are Au's also the figure is the protector of the Au's is ink himself his sitting and checking all the Au's making sure there ok and fine but the thing he doesn't know is there is in almost old new Au. Far au from the other Au's ink never noticed it for some reason, but now today something changes today.

🖌️Ink's Pov🖌️
I was just sitting looking at the Au's making sure there fine it's been almost a year when me and the star sanses made a truce with the bad sanses and me making a truce with error. Something feels off today and I really don't know why though,I keep looking in-between Au's then something catches my eyes a Au almost all the way from the other Au's. I move over to the Au, I look really close at it looks like this Au been here for a while like the swap Au's,starts checking to see what name of this au,pulls up the name my eyes, (aka sockets cause u know there skeletons)the name of this Au looks like a mix in-between Candytale and Underswap so the name of this Au is called CandySwap.I better call a meeting with the sanses and papyruses to discuss about this Au even visiting this Au to meet that Au sans and papyrus.

(skip to eveyone dancing around classic)

✖no one pov✖
Now bring by some of the sanses and papyruses gather around the meeting table with also the bad sanses and star sanses,they look at ink waiting for him to tell them why he called this meeting for while waiting for ink to talk they start talking to each other on to why ink called this important meeting for then and ink clear his throat to get there attention,they all went quiet they all look at ink.

🖌️Inks pov🖌️
I cleared my throat to get all the sanses and papyruses attention they all went quiet and look at me,now I got there attention let me start the meeting then "Hello everyone thanks for coming to this meeting and I all know what you guys are thinking." I said, they all just nodded there heads then I see dream about to speak "yeah we wondering why you called this meeting it must be important." Dream says, I nod at dream that he was correct I looked back at everyone " ok let's get into why I called all you here day cause I just discovered in Au that's been here for all long Underswap was here." I say to all of them some of them looked shocked and surprise at what I just said they all let some gasps and what I started to calm them all down so I can continue what I'm saying, " yah I know it is surprise I was slightly surprised myself so I was thinking tomorrow we could take a visit to this Au to see what that Au looks like a long with meeting that Au sans and papyrus so what do you all think rise your hand of who wants to visit this Au." I say they all looked at each other I see couple hands go up and I also see the bad sanses rise there hand I got surprised when error also rise his hand a then looked at blue and dream to see they rised there hands to I smile. I looked back at them, "Ok it's decided that tomorrow will visit the Au so go home and pack the things you guys need for this adventure into this Au now the ones who are going of course the rest who doesn't want to go we will tell you all about this Au when we get back." After I say this I see them all nod.

🎭 Nobody's pov🎭
After ink says that they all nodded,they all start getting up and go back to there Au's they wave goodbye after stepping back into there own Au's the portals clothing behind them.The ones going where already packing some stuff for tomorrow, somewhere excited to see this Au. A new adventure waits them tomorrow.

(A/n: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter next will be part of Sunset harem along with berry stay in tune ^~^)

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