Chapter one

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Dean had been driving Sam for a while now, making a stop at a motel before the last stretch of road that lead to Sams new home. While they were stopped Dean had taken out one of his guns, talking to Sam. "You every shoot one before?" Dean asked. Sam eyes the gun, slowly shaking his head. "No I haven't.' He admitted. Dean smiled softly. He sat next to Sam on the bed, explaining things. Giving him a quick yet thorough rundown on the basics. Giving him an empty gun, explaining to him how to hold it, aim it, and shoot it. Sam listened intently because one, it was a fucking gun, and two, he had been wanting to learn for a while, especially everything that happened with his ex. After Sam had a feel for the gun, Dean took it, loaded it, put the safety on, and handed it back to Sam. "Uuuh, why are you giving this to me?" Sam asked cautiously, taking the gun slowly. "Because you're gonna need one. I want you to get used to carrying it on you, especially if you're traveling with me. Sam nodded slowly. This was a lot to take in. Dean smiled softly. "Just for now, you don't need to Carry it around at home, and I doubt you'll need to pull it out at all for the trip. Just get used to having it with you ok?" Dean said. Sam nodded again. He understood that, Dean wanting him safe, especially with what he did. It was just a bit overwhelming. "Yeah, that makes sense. Thank you." Sam told him. "No problem, now lets head out, we got a few more hours of driving to do. Wish we could've done it last night." Dean said, picking up his bag and heading out to the car with Sam. "Well you were falling asleep at the wheel, and you wouldn't let me drive." Sam told him, getting into the passenger seat. Dean followed shortly after, getting into the driver seat. "You're not driving my baby." Dean said, starting up the car. Sam chuckled softly. "We would've been there by now if you did." Sam pointed out. "How are you gonna find the bunker when you don't know where it is genius?" Dean asked as he started to drive them. Sam shrugged. "Just give me the address and I'll put it in a GPS." He said, Dean laughed. "There's no address Sammy." "It's Sam." Sam told him, still not liking the nickname, but not minding it as much when Dean said it. "Whatever Sammy, you'll understand when we get there, just relax and enjoy the ride." Dean said turning up the music. Just getting an eye roll from Sam. The ride would be nice.

After hours of driving Dean pulled up to the bunker. Watching Sam from the corner of his eye. He trusted Sam. He wholeheartedly did. But he had brought very few people into the bunker willingly, some unwillingly, he was always weary of it. "Wow." Sam said softly as they pulled in. Eyeing all the cars. "Are these all yours?" He asked as Dean parked, slowly getting out of the car, but not stepping towards any of them. "Kinda, I guess you could say I inherited them." Dean said. "I don't really drive them though. My baby right here, my Dad gave her to me as soon as I was able to drive. There's no better car out there." Dean told him, grabbing the bags from the trunk. "Well I can see why you like it so much." Sam said, taking his bag from Dean."Yeah, the others are kinda emergency only. Come on, I'll show you around inside." Dean said, tilting his head to the doorway. Sam nodded and followed behind Dean, still in awe. This place was amazing.

"I can see why you call it a bunker." Sam said, walking down the stairs with Dean, eyeing all the devices inside. "Yeah, it's kind of a lot, and big for one person." Dean told him, setting his bag down on a table. Sam nodded. "You must get lonely." Sam said, eyes still glancing around the room. Dean shook his head. "Not really, I never really minded being alone... but honestly having someone else around will be nice." Dean told him. Dean liked working alone, he hated the distraction of other people. Hunting with them, trying to work with them, but Sam was different. "Well thank you, really. I really appreciate you letting me stay with you." Sam told him sincerely. "Don't worry about it. "Why don't you sit down, I'll grab us a drink, relax for a minute and then I'll give you a tour." Dean told him, Sam nodded. "That sounds great, thank you." He said. Dean nodded and headed off to the kitchen. Sam took a minute to look around. It was big, that was for sure. He was overwhelmed but didn't want Dean to see it. He heard a voice that snapped him out of his thoughts. "Who are you?" Sams entire body tensed. That wasn't Deans voice.

Sam slowly turned, seeing a man in the room. Dean said he lived alone. That he was alone. Who was this guy. Sam stood still, shocked as the man stared at him. "I said who are you?" His voice was louder. Sam fumbled, grabbing the gun Dean had given him. "Who are you?" Sam asked, arm shaking slightly. The man tilted his head, squinting his eyes. "You really think that's gonna do anything to me?" He asked. Now Sam was extremely on edge. "Dean!" He yelled, voice urgent and a bit panicked. He heard Deans boots hit the ground as he sprinted back. "Sam? What's Wrong? What's going..?" Dean stopped in his tracks at what he saw. Sam and the other man in the room. Sam had his gun out. "Whoa! Hey Sam! Relax it's ok! It's alright!." Dean quickly but cautiously Made his way over to Sam. "You said you lived alone." Sam said softly. His eyes never leaving the other man. Dean gently pushed Sams hand down that was holding the gun. "I do. It's ok. I know him Sam. He just has really fucking bad timing." Dean said, partially turning to glare at the man. "I just wanted to talk." The man said. "It's gonna have to wait a while." Dean told him, hand on Sams back trying to calm him down. "Sam, this is Castiel. Cas, this is Sam."

Sam was still tense but trying to relax, taking deep breaths. "Who is he? Why did you bring him here?" Castiel asked. "I don't sense anything Supernatural about him." Sam held in a huff. "Nice to meet you too." Sam mumbled. Dean gave Sam an apologetic smile. "Sams gonna be staying here with me. He's human Cas. Excuse his poor manners Sam. Cas here is an angel. Skipped manners day at Sunday school." Dean told him. "Angels don't have Sunday school. We are all knowing beings." Cas said. "Wait he.. he's an angel?" Sam asked a bit confused. "But he.. looks so normal. He looks human." Sam said. "So did those vampires." Dean pointed out gently. Sam nodded slowly. "This isn't my true form. If I were out of this vessel it would be overwhelming for a human to.." "Alright, alright Cas let him breathe a minute would ya?" Dean asked, rubbing Sams back then gently guiding him to one of the chairs. "He's not used to this. Let him settle in and I'll explain more to him later." Dean said, knowing this had to be a lot for Sam.

"So.. you're and angel?" Sam said slowly. Can nodded slowly. "Yes. That's been established." Can said and Dean rolled his eyes. "So you like... live in heaven? Do you have.. powers or something?" He asked. Deans face lit up a bit. "Yeah.. yeah he does.. Can come here." Dean said and turned to face Sam. "Just sit there ok? You'll see what he can do." Dean smiled at Sam as Cas walked over. "What's he gonna do?" Sam asked, a bit nervous as he looked up at Car. "You'll see." Dean smiled softly. "He just needs to touch you." "Touch me?" Sam asked tensing slightly. "Your forehead." Dean said squeezing his shoulder gently. Sam glanced back at Car. "Uh.. ok I guess." Sam said softly. "Humans.." Cas mumbled. He placed his hand on Sams forehead. Sam was abut to speak but it was cut off. Gasping and tensing feeling something jolt through his body. A shock? A tingle? It was hard to place. Cas pulled his hand away and the feeling was gone. Sam shoot up from the chair, still tense. "That.. what was that?" Sam asked quickly. Deans hand went from Sams back to his side. "Sam relax it's ok." Dean told him. Sam shook his head. "No I.. I felt something that was.." "Sam.." Dean said softly and gently squeezed his side. "You're ok." He said gently. Sam shook his head, confused. About to say something until it hit him. His side. It didn't hurt. Sam put his hand on Deans, pressing it harder against his side. not feeling any pain. Dean grinned seeing now that Sam understood. Sam glanced a Cas. "You healed me."

"Yes, I healed you." Cas said. Sam smiled. He never really doubted Dean, but his faith and trust in him was really starting to grow. "I'm sure that comes in handy when Dean goes on his hunts." Sam said. Dean rolled his eyes. "Why would it? I'm always careful, hardly ever get hurt." "That's actually not true. I've healed Dean on multiple occasions." Cas said. "Alright Cas, don't you have a cloud to play in or something?" Dean said. Sam couldn't help but laugh softly. Cas eyed them, Seeing Deans hand still on Sams side. "I don't play in clouds." Cas said. "Yeah well why don't you fly back home? Sam needs to relax and get settled in." Dean told him. "I didn't come here for Sam, I came here for you. Sam can do that on his own." Dean glared slightly at Cas. "He can but he's not going to. Come back in a few days. And call before hand. Don't just pop in like that." Dean told him. "I don't like using the cell phone. Teleporting is much more convenient." Dean huffed. "Cas.." He said, his voice warning. Cas was quiet for a moment. "I'll be back." He said. Disappearing in a blink. Sam glanced around. "Where did he go?" He asked. Dean smiled slightly. "Don't worry about him. He's gone for now. How about that drink? I'll show you to the kitchen." Dean said, hand sliding to Sams back, gently guiding him out of the room. Sam nodded. Relaxing slightly. Cas seemed nice enough. The whole angel thing would take some getting used to, but he'd take that over his old life. He had a feeling he was really going to like it here.

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