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Well, here is the next chapter guys' so I hope you read and review.

Lots of love


Chapter 11

It was the following nightfall when everyone was gathering in the living room, Luna in her own little world as Sookie said her goodbyes and Eric tried to persuade Godric to visit him. She didn't comment, didn't even breathe as she looked out the window with expressionless eyes and a blank mask. Something was coming, and it wasn't going to be pretty.

"You do not need me, my childe" Godric stated as he talked to Eric in an almost soothing tone. It was clear Eric was worried about his previous attempt to end his life, leaving his maker alone clearly made him panic.

"Yet I want you to visit Godric, I have missed you over the years" Eric stated, trying to persuade his maker to do so.

"Maybe a break would be good for you sheriff, it would give you time to reconnect with Luna" Isabel stated, Eric smirking when he realised she was playing on the bond that his maker had with his own sire. While he wasn't keen on Luna, still not used to being second best, he didn't exactly hate her presence after she had practically saved his position and Godric's, after that night his respect for her only grown.

Godric stared at his second in command before his eyes moved to his sire as she stood motionless by the window, looking every bit like a true vampire as she did so. Thinking it over he found himself liking the idea, giving his answer with a firm nod.

"I suppose a week or two could not hurt, Isabel you will let me know if I am needed" he stated as he looked at his second in command, Isabel nodding her agreement. She wasn't stupid enough to think if a problem arouse then she would be able to handle it herself; if something happened then she would call him first.

"Excellent, you can travel back with us" Eric stated with a grin, giving Isabel a nod of thanks before he shot off to gather his things. He was in a rush to get back, his area while was in the capable hands of his childe, he preferred to do things personally.

Back in the living room Godric was at Luna's side as quick as a blink, her posture not moving in the slightest as she seemed to be deep in thought. He knew not to interrupt, rather standing beside her until she took note of his presence.

"I take it we are leaving" she stated after a while, her tone flat as she stated the simple fact. She wasn't bothered by it, rather pleased that she would still be able to take the time to bond with her childe. She had missed him so very much.

"I hope you do not mind" he asked, wondering what her thoughts were on the matter.

"Of course not" she stated before craning her neck to look at him, a smile tugging at her lips as her arms wrapped around his neck, pressing herself against him. His arms immediately encircled her small waist, his own smile playing on his lips as she leaned forwards to nip at his throat playfully.

It wasn't until the following nightfall that they all arrived in Shreveport, both Sookie and Bill heading back to Bon Temps while Eric gave both Godric and Luna a tour of his home. He was pleased that his maker would be staying with him, it giving him the opportunity to keep an eye on him.

"Will you be joining me at the bar later Master?" Eric asked a few days later, slouching on the couch as he flicked through the channels on the TV only to find nothing interested him. His gaze though continued to flicker towards the female vampire who sat cross-legged on the love seat opposite him with his maker, her head in a large novel as she flickered through the pages with impressive speed. He had seen her read a lot he noted, didn't she had anything better to do?

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