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I wanted to come on here and tell you guys a little about myself, so here you go!

⚠️TW: mention of self harm!!!!

-im gender fluid (i go by any pronouns)
-im queer (i label myself as queer because i feel like i dont fit under any other sexuality stereotypes)
-I cut my hair!!! ive had long hair since i was seven and i finally cut it. best decision i ever made.
-I have a new best friend. I love her so much!!! She's my favorite person.
-school is going good now. i enjoy all of my classes and they aren't too hard this semester.
-im been self harm free for 28 days now!! almost a month :) I'm proud of myself.
-i started taking a new anxiety medicine. It seems to be helping. I'm just very tired all of the time.
So... yeah. That's all! Just wanted to update everyone on everything, love all of you! stay safe! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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