Chapter 1:The Past(edited A bit)

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Author pov:After the defeat of the creator jubilleeus, 1000 years ago, two witches Cereza and Jeanne have fallen and was laid to rest. Before they had died they conjured a spell. This spell was for the umbra legacy to go on.
They're spell worked and there was one little girl that was born in the year 2015. The world was filled with people who had powers or as they say quirks. Only 20% percent of the population is born with quirks. Now let's see the world through the eyes of young Y/N.
In the hospital a mother is going through pain as she gives birth. But the bady dued. After what had seem like hour of pain and grief they dissided to adopt a child.the little girl was given to them. The father rushed to his wife side to see his new daughter"What did you name her?"he asked with tears of joy and the mom just smiled and said"Y/n, Y/n Wong"the farther looked and said to his wife"It's perfect. Welcome to the family Y/n Wong".
(A/n:OK so in my head I was ganna write L/n but at the last moment this came up so your a Wong and yeah... Please don't be mad.ok on with the story. 😅OK so I'm going to change your last name to Wong because writing Hakudade over is not fun so I'm going to geep it short)
12 months later
While Maiko (your mother/mummy) was cleaning the dishes,
Takoma (your father/daddy)
was trying to make you walk but you kept falling over, he tried and tried until... "Maiko!!! Bring the Camera hurry!"Takoma shouted in joy, your mother came rushing and had the camera ready and saw you were starting to walk to you father. Step by step you walked and at the last moment you fell in his lap. They cheerd and smiled at you for your achievement.
6 weeks later
You stared to talk a little bit but all your parents heard were you saying ' pebee baama!' or something like that they did not know what does words mean. Another thing was you were growing quickly and it worried them so they took you to the doctor. After he was done examining you he said it was part of your quirk that you were going to get in the future.
'Wonder what it called?'
4 years later
It was time for your quirk to develop and you were scared. Your mom told you that you were a strong little girl cause there I nothing you could not do and those words stayed with you.
It was the first day of school and you were nervous and scared and wanted to cry but before you could start your mom told to not cry and sang your favorite lullaby called 'fly me to the moon'
And after you calmed she gave you a gift it was a stuffed cat with different colors on it... It was pretty to you and you gave him a name "Cheshire!"you said aloud and your mother just smiled at you excited face"Ready for school now my little kitten?" your mom asked and you nodded and skipped on your feet with your mom, making sure you don't fall like you always did.
(Y/n pov:) (Finally ugh that took so long)
I was walking with mummy to my new class I was kinda scared but I'm should not be because I had Cheshire with me.
We made it to the class and the teacher was there waiting for me
"Why hello there little girl and what is your name?" the nice lady asked me.
"I.. I'm Y/n Wong" I replied shyly
"well Y/n, I'm Miss Hashima and this is my classroom and must I say you are very pretty for a little girl." she said and I blushed at her comment
"thank you" I said
"well come on let's go inside."
"OK!,bye mummy!" said as I huged mummy and she hugged me back and I went inside with my teacher.
"Ok class settle down now, today we have a new student, meet Y/n Wong say hi Y/n" the teacher told me
"H... Hi" I was a little shy but held cheshire close and I calmed down.
"Ok Y/n why don't you go sit next to Katsuki Bakugou, Katsuki please raise your hand"
She said and a boy raised his hand he had ash blond hair and scarlet red eyes. He looked nice
I sat down and looked at him and smiled and he put out his hand"The name is katsuki""I'm Yn" we introduced our selves and started to chat and tell each other about ourselves.i think this will the start to a great friendship
It was lunch time and I was looking for katsu to sit with but then 3 boy came up to me and bullied me"Hey new kid nice glasses mind if I see em? "he grabbed my glasses and purposely dropped them on the ground and stepped on them, once he was done I started crying
"why... My mu-mmy g-gave me those and you broke th-them" my tears ran down my face and they started to call me names. Where are you Katsu?I need you
In class I struggled to see because I did not have my glasses.
The teacher even asked where they were and I showed her my glasses she was in shock. She asked who did it and I pointed to the boys that did it and they got in trouble. My parents looked with sad faces and they didn't even know what to do. Maybe I should not wear any glasses.
As I we waited for my mommy I saw katsu 'he must be waiting for his mommy too' as I gaze at the stars I hear a voice in my head say 'open your eyes fill them with hate and earn the left eye' the voice said and I just ignored it and just as I did my mommy arrived.
As me and mommy got home my eye started to hurt and I screamed. Mommy and Daddy had rushed to my aid but when they looked at my eye they were shocked it was a bright red color

 Mommy and Daddy had rushed to my aid but when they looked at my eye they were shocked it was a bright red color

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(the left one is your eye)
It hurt and bad but I fell into darkness
"Awake dear child" I heard a voice say. As I open my eyes I stood up and saw a huge lady in front of me.
(not lady D)
She looked like a butterfly

"Hello little one" "H-hello" "(chuckles) no need to be afraid child, let me introduce myself to you, I am Madama butterfly and I am your demon contact" At first I was afraid but then I realized that I just got my quirk"your quirk is called Umbra w...

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"Hello little one"
"(chuckles) no need to be afraid child, let me introduce myself to you, I am Madama butterfly and I am your demon contact"
At first I was afraid but then I realized that I just got my quirk
"your quirk is called Umbra witch it's is a very rare power and I choose you because you remind me of my old friend Cereza"
"who is she?" I asked
"she was my first contact"
All I could think was why is she, who was the voice in my head and who was Cereza.
(Cliffhanger bitches)
So I ended it here because I need more time to think about what was ganna happen next so yea
(this your mummy and daddy)

(Cliffhanger bitches) So I ended it here because I need more time to think about what was ganna happen next so yea(this your mummy and daddy)

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OK so bye and uhhh

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OK so bye and uhhh

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