Chapter 14 Shadows of the past

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Bayonetta pov"So we have been asleep for almost 700 years?" I asked

"Yeah and shit has changed since you were last alive.... Everybody in the world have these powers called quirks, They were each born with it
There's a 25% chance to be quirkless."said rodin while mixing cocktails up

"Quirks huh? Well that's interesting" Jeanne comments to what rodin said

"So rodin have you been keeping an eye on....Them?" I said while my hand is on my hip.

"Sure have...In the span of 16 years old they already reached your power levels. It unique how those two are already that strong. The blond one is exactly like you Jeanne. And the (H/c) one like you Bayonetta. I even went as far as to give them your old guns but don't worry they're just mere copies of yours I've got your real one's in the back. Evidently it seems they already made contract's with Madama Butterfly and Madama Styx so they already know the wicked weaves.
But have yet learned demon massacred." Rodin said pouring the Scarlett red drinks.

"Mm So they are almost ready?" Jeanne said

"Yup...even almost ready to learn the truth.." rodin said

The truth..... haven't heard that word since.... singularity.


Jeanne is stabbed in the back by Sigurd
"Cereza..." She whispered falling to the ground

Soon Bayonetta and luka are fighting singularity and prevailed but at a cost.

"Fate brought us here together and it will never tear us apart... we'll always be together... Cereza" Luka said stroking Bayonetta's cheek

"No Luka we've been together... My clomsy lovely fool" Bayonetta said hugging him

"You'll forever be in my heart..." She said in his ear causing Luka to smile

They soon shared a kiss

Bayonetta then whispered
"I'll see you little kitty"
She said realising her magic into the sky along with Jeanne holding her stomach

"Stay strong for the umbra....My little puppy" Jeanne said realising her magic hugging herself by the stomach.

The two witches souls are dragged down to inferno.

The two streams of magic flow into two orphaned babies in a hospital in the future.

Present time

"Cereza? You alright?"
Jeanne asked me looking conserned

"Im fine Jeanne" i said

"Lets go see how they have grown" i said with a smirk adjusting my glasses
Jeanne nodded and we left.

Y/n pov
What is this power im sensing?
It feels....Familiar?
I shrugged it off and went to get myself something to eat. I walked in and saw Lili she looked sleepy.
"Well seems like someone is not a morning person" i commented smirking.
"Very funny. Y/n did you sense it to didn't you? Because our friends dow south seem conserned" She said and i nodded.
"I did. What do you think it could be?"
I asked. She shrugged and made herself some coffee
"Want some?" She asked and i nodded.
We drank our coffee and watched TV.

"Good morning Hoshu we are coming to you live in the middle of a villain attack as you can see two new women are fighting the villain with ease!" The reporter said while looking at the camara. The two women were facing up against a angle. A Beloved one
Me and Lili looked at the TV with full attention.
"Hold on folks it seems their about to finish of the villain

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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