
978 20 29

Third person p.o.v.

The three were approached by a male with an eye patch.Amber was suggesting to go to what the ranger assumed their higher ups but the man with the eye patch slowed her down and demanded for introduction

Amber:Oh r-right.This is Kaeya,our cavalry captain.These three are Lumine,Y/n and Paimon.The two are travelers from afar and Y/n is a ranger of the wild

Keaya:*in thoughts*A ranger of the wild and travelers from afar...Interesting but that's all we know about them?

Amber didn't fail to notice his thoughtful expression and begins to bring him up to speed.Once he was brought up to speed he says

Kaeya:I see.Welcome to Mondstadt--though you haven't arrived at the best of times,I'm afraid.I understand the anguish of being separated from family.I'm not sure why you are looking for the Anemo god,but everyone has their secrets,right?

The captain received no respond from the trio only for the ranger to raise an eye brow as he chuckles from his response

Kaeya:Haha,relax! I won't press you any further

Y/n:*in thought*Defiantly the type that likes to annoy people

Kaeya:First and foremost,on behalf of the Knights of Favonious,I would like to extend our thanks to you for our help just now.

Lumine:We couldn't just stand by and do nothing.

Kaeya:Indeed.Your fight to defend the city against the dragon just now was witnessed by no small number of citizens .The acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonious is also very interested in meeting you three and formally invites you at our headquarters 


In an office room with large amounts of books and a well decorated and tide up desk there were two woman,one of them was examining the books while the other was sitting on the edge of her desk anxious as she looks at the clock ticking as every second passed

The first one had fair skin, green eyes, and wavy, light honey-brown hair, which is tied in a loose side ponytail.She wears a purple and white dress with open slits at the sides and gold embroidery,along with black gloves with pale purple trim,a large witch's hat, black lace stockings,black high heels and an earring is visible on one ear.She wears a gold necklace with her Vision clasped to the collar of her dress.Reflecting her favorite flower,a motif of roses is present throughout her outfit.There is a pale purple rose pinned to her hat and a similar one on the tie of her ponytail.Additionally,a large ornamental golden rose is attached on her belt at the hip.

Additionally,a large ornamental golden rose is attached on her belt at the hip

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And the next woman has a tall, athletic build and fair skin.She has grey-blue eyes and medium-length gold-blonde hair tied back into a ponytail with a black bow.On her ears,she wears a pair of gold cross earrings.She wears a white,blue,black and red strapless shirt with a long blue tailcoat attached to it,a pair of separate white sleeves,a short blue and gold cloak attached to a white separate collar.Her white tights are embroidered with gold diamond-dot pattern and pair of white high-heeled knee-high boots.She also wears a pair of blue gauntlets

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