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Third person p.o.v.

A young man wakes up with a gasp wearing a ranger's set but with no sword or a dagger from the sheathe's from his back.He shields his eyes from the sunlight until he sight adjusted from the brightness.He tries to get up but he was still weak and his strength failed him.As if someone called him he looks back and finds an adult around the age of 40-50.He didn't know why but he felt familiar to him .He rushes towards him and checks for a pulse.But feeling no pulse the man in front of him vanished scattering like dust.Finding the strength to stand up he asks in confusion

Y/n:Am I dead?

???:You are banished from death.

A female voice echoed in the distance as Y/n looks behind him and finds no one to a world filled with clouds,stone bridges and pillars.Looking around to the strange void he's in he asks in worry and fear

Y/n:What is this place?

Then three massive red triangle like shapes appeared and from the middle and the biggest a woman appeared with white clothing,white hair and amber eyes 

Then three massive red triangle like shapes appeared and from the middle and the biggest a woman appeared with white clothing,white hair and amber eyes 

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Y/n could feel her godly aura.The mysterious floating woman points her hand behind her and tells him

???:See for yourself

With not knowing what else to do he follows the woman's instructions and he sits on his knees and placing his hands on the cold stone he stands.He looks down as the clouds move and showed his homeworld He stands up looking at the woman walking past her and says with despair in his voice


???:Now do you believe me,Ranger?

Y/n:What has happened to me?

After a moment of silence the woman lays her answer

???:You are banished from death.Cast adrift between the worlds of light and dark.A curse that binds you has wiped your memories of your past because the one who casted on you knew you would be a threat to him

Y/n was shocked to hear this from the woman and he asks his name

Y/n:Who are you?

Sustainer:The Sustainer of Heavenly Principles.

Y/n:If what you say is true,how do I break this curse?

Sustainer:You must recover the memories of your past then find and confront the one who casted it upon you.But first you must complete a task I chose you for

Y/n:What sort of task?

Sustainer:I made a fetal error not too long ago.I separated a pair of traveling twins and I sent one of them into your homeworld and the other already plotting to wage war against it and to me.That must not happened and must be stopped at all cost! You must find the girl who is his sister,help her unite with her brother convince him to stand down

The Ranger (Genshin impact x Male ranger Reader)Where stories live. Discover now