The first siege

165 15 1

Y/n's p.o.v.

You now serve ME!

I add you to my army!

That was the sound of me recruiting the last two orcs I need to begin the siege.Or an orc and an olog to be honest.The uruk's name is Gluk Night-Bringer.And the olog is known as Ur-Benu The Tenderizer

And the olog is known as Ur-Benu The Tenderizer

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(sry for bad quality.My pc is unavailable and as for my laptop...well its self explanatory)



Arrow proof

Frost proof

Beast proof


Enraged by caragors

Power craze

Enraged by curse


Class traits

Advanced class:Berserker

Furious charge



Flying axes

Tribe bonus:Mystic blade

Class bonus:Savage counter


Epic trait:curse warder

Epic trait:Thick skinned

Cursed weapon

No Weaknesses

No Weaknesses

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Fire proof

Poison proof

Frost proof


Enraged by executions

Enraged stealth

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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