( 25 ) "I'm home"

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Summary for "I'm home":
✓ When Niki comes home from work for his and Jungwon's second wedding anniversary.

NOTE: This was inspired by a very short comic that I had found on Twitter and will also be very short if I am going to be honest here :/


"I'm home"

"I'm home!" Says Niki

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"I'm home!" Says Niki

Closing the door behind him as he now removes his coat and his shoes. Today was a very special day for him and Jungwon– no scratch that, this day was sacred and all the more precious to them

It was their wedding anniversary

Neatly yet gently placing his pair of shoes into the shoe rack, Niki stood up and now entered the house "I'm home, Won." The male says with a smile on his lips as he spots Jungwon in the kitchen cooking

Niki has to be honest, it smells delicious

Stopping his tracks as he notices their wedding photo framed in a small picture frame in the living room, Niki smiles as he crouches down to gently fix the photo's direction– it was somehow hiding behind the flower vase and covered Jungwon's beautiful smile that Niki loved seeing

Hearing small chopping sounds now erupting from the kitchen, Niki walks into the kitchen to see Jungwon chopping up some onions neatly yet carefully. He smiles and hums "So, today's dinner is my favorite huh?" Thrummed Niki softly

Dating each other for four years and being married for two years, Niki would know the dish Jungwon would always cook for him on special events like this– even if he'd have his eyes closed, he'd still know

Niki had always adored Jungwon's cooking. Though he never had that much of an experience in cooking, whenever he'd have a taste or a bite of Jungwon's, he'd be sent to heaven in a second by the deliciousness– no, he'd be in paradise

Brisking up a smile as he now slowly approaches Jungwon whose back was facing him, Niki silently rubs the back of his neck and looks away slightly "Ah and....I actually bought your favorite cake for our anniversary too, but I was careless and dropped it....I'm sorry.." He apologizes

If Niki were to be honest, he was quite clumsy and flimsy. It's like every thing his fingers would touch, would just slip through like butter. Niki just took a gulp down his throat, guess Jungwon won't be having his favorite cake tonight for their second wedding anniversary together

But when Niki was about to place a hand over Jungwon's shoulder, the latter hastily drops the knife on the chopping board as sobs started to erupt from the tips of his rosy lips, his soft and warm hands came reaching up to cover his crying face

And Niki witnessed everything

Pressing his lips together, the male wraps his hands around Jungwon's waist and places his chin unto the latter's shoulders that shuddered ever so lightly as he kept on sobbing. Niki sighs and snuggles himself into the crook of his neck

The apron Jungwon wore was the one he had gave him when they had their very first ever wedding anniversary together, till now, in Niki's eyes, Jungwon still looks the best wearing the apron he had gifted him

As his hands travelled up slightly to feel the latter's stomach, a bittersweet smile emerges from his lips as his blackish yet gentle orbs turned soft in realization

He remembered....

The love of his life's pregnant.

Gently pressing a kiss unto the side of Jungwon's forehead slightly, Niki mutters "Its already 5 months now, right?" The male starts as he gently caresses his fingers along Jungwon's five month old pregnant stomach "I wonder if it's a boy or a girl..." Niki utters as Jungwon's sobs started becoming more audible and louder, his sobs now turning to cries

"If our baby's born one day, I'll be happy..." Niki says, closing his eyes gently as the bittersweet smile he had held up remained unto his lips, his arms hugging Jungwon tighter like tomorrow was never coming

Jungwon witnesses as his tears now started falling one by one down unto the chopping board, he promised....he promised that he'd come home to him for this day... Jungwon places a hand unto his stomach, gently caressing it like a form of reassurance to himself

But no matter how much he does it, he's just reminded of him no matter what. Jungwon could feel like legs become wobbly, Niki promised him. He promised him that he'd stay, he promised him that he'll be there once their baby's born....

But, he broke their promise.

Gently leaning his head unto Jungwon's, Niki softly utters to himself "A girl or a boy, I'd love our baby Won.....even though, well..." Niki trails as he flutters his eyes open and close, pausing on his words

Jungwon was now a crying mess

Niki just smiles as he felt a tear drop

"...Even though I won't be able to meet them anymore once they're born."

Jungwon freezes once he heard that small utter. He immediately looks back to see.....no one. And, that's when it hit him

Looking down as he gently caresses his five month old pregnant stomach, a tear rolled down the latter's eye "I'm sorry baby...." He says in a broken whisper

And that's when Jungwon realized...

There was no Nishimura Riki anymore

His husband died a few days before their anniversary. On his way home, he found himself getting into a car accident with a drunk driver. Jake called him that day to tell the news, of course, Jungwon didn't believe his hyung with that at first

But when he got to the hospital, it felt like his whole world had shattered into a million of pieces that would be unable to be placed back together once he had saw his husband's dead body just laying there being draped by a plain white sheet

Jungwon was broken that day

As he reaches for his pocket despite his hands shaking, Jungwon pulls out Niki's wedding ring– the only dear remembrance he had left of his everything, his world

Placing the said wedding ring near to his crying self, Jungwon sobs as he softly yet mutters in a strained voice

"....Ki, I miss you..I miss you, my everything.."


NOTE: Hihihi~~!! Okay, quick round around the plot of this Oneshot. The Niki that "came home" was his soul that couldn't rest in peace after his cruel car accident a few days before his wedding anniversary with his beloved, Jungwon, who was pregnant with their first child. And he came home to just see Jungwon who was emotionally, physically and spiritually affected by his passing

Hahaha and that's practically all that!

And with that, kkeut everyone!!

— Jacie Choi

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