chapter 6: love can change

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The training proceeded well, both night and day.

"Red fighter, at ease," Kelly commanded.

"Today, the director has tasked us with aiding our air force in a mission—this is White Scars," Angel informed.

"Dad?!" Jack exclaimed.

"Your dad is White Scars?!" Kristyl asked in disbelief.

"Yes, ma'am. It's been many years since I last saw him," Jack admitted.

"If you're not up for this mission, Jack, just let us know," Angel offered.

"No, I can handle it," Jack asserted.

"We have an additional Red Fighter. Let's welcome her; she'll be observing Second Lieutenant Jack. She's Mae, an army doctor," Kristyl introduced.

"Mae, what are you doing here?" Jack inquired.

"From now on, we're partners, Jack. I'm an army woman from Company 6, but I've been transferred here to the Red Fighters. Can you welcome me, Red Fighter?" Mae asked.

"Yes!!!" they responded enthusiastically.

The Red Fighters were comprised of three girls and four boys, with a mission to complete. They proceeded to the air force area to meet with the colonels, directors, and commanders for a briefing on the mission.

"Salute! Sir, I'm Instructor Angel, and this is Kristyl. We're here for the mission info," Angel stated.

"Salute! Here's the information: you need to eliminate White Scars. He's been a wanted criminal by the police for a long time, a major offender in our country, so his punishment is death," the director briefed.

"Agent Angel, you must wait for our instruction before shooting. Don't worry, all backup is ready. That's all; get ready for your mission," the director instructed.

Aboard the helicopter, the Red Fighters prepared for action.

"Red Fighters, Jack will be the sniper, and Mae will be the observer. Let's take the lead, Jack, and Mae, you'll provide support!" Angel commanded.

"Yes, ma'am!" they acknowledged.

"Squad Leader Kelly, you'll be the one to use this," Kristyl said, handing over equipment.

"Okay, we've arrived. Go! Go! Go!" Angel ordered.

Upon arriving at the mountain, they began to survey the surroundings.

"I've found their location; it's 1000 meters from us, over," Jin reported.

"Roger that," Kelly confirmed.

"We've found the target waiting for the confirmation over" Mae said 

"Roger that" Kelly confirmed

The fight has been started.   

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