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Next morning
Y/N woke up to her alarm going she turned it off and opened the curtains and she went and got ready and after an hour she was looking all like a CEO and she didn't overdressed she kept it simple and she looked at the time and saw it was 7:30am and she knew waking up Jungkook was useless so she wrote a note and left in on his side table next to his phone and she left....

At the office 8:00am
She walked inside and everyone stood up and started to bow her she quickly walked to her dad's office which is now her office she went and sat inside and found a note it said "Note to Y/N from her dad" she saw and she read it
The note
Hey dear so it's your first day at work Jeon Y/N so I have some things you should keep in mind first if you want a file always ask Mr Son and second look out for assistant and third please come to the office at least 3 times a week I know you have college but it's also important
~Lots of love and wishes your dad

She completed reading the note and kept it in her bag when Mr Son entered and said
Mr Son: Good morning Mrs Jeon
Y/N: Good morning so there was a note by dad telling something about a assistant so please start interviewing them soon (she said with a smile)
Mr Son: No need to worry I have already haired one (he said and a girl came in and she asked)
Y/N: who is she? (She asked)
Mr Son: She is your assistant Mia you can talk to her I have some work to do
Y/N: Ok (she said and sat on the chair)
Mia: Hello mam I am Mia Smith and I am 20 I am your new assistant (she said as Y/N nodded)
Y/N: Good to know so I don't have a lot.to say you have to take care of the company stuff and my college stuff or just help me out and yeah that it and that table right there is your table (she said and pointed towards the table)
Mia: Yes Mam do you want anything? (She said with a bright smile as Y/N nodded and said)
Y/N: Yeah get me a ice coffee and a bagel sandwich I am hunger I didn't had time to cook breakfast (she said)
Mia: Sure mam (she said and left)

Y/N was sitting and going through the documents when she got a call from Jungkook she picked it up and said
Y/N: Hello Jungkook shi (she said)
Jungkook: Why did you left this early? (He said in a cute morning voice)
Y/N: Jungkook! it's 8:20am it's too early and you know that I had meeting to attend today huh?
Jungkook: Ugh! Fine but did you ate breakfast?
Y/N: No I didn't had time to cook
Jungkook: eat something before the meeting ok?
Y/N: Yes I will (she said when she heard a knock at her door and she said)
Y/N: Come in! (She said as mia walked in and kept her food on the table)
Y/N: Can you go through my schedule for today?
Ria: Sure mam (she said and Y/N went back and started to talking to Jungkook)
Y/N: I got my Breakfast my new assistant Mia got me now your happy?
Jungkook: Very happy now eat peacefully ok
Y/N: Yeah ok bye Jungkook!
Jungkook: Bye my smart Wife!
Y/N: Be lucky to have me as your wife and bye (she said and cutted the phone and then Mia comes and says)

Mia: Mam you just have one meeting today and that's it you can go home
Y/N: Oh that's great and you can also have a day off after that (she said taking a bite of her sandwich and Mia said)
Mia: Thankyou mam

She ate her breakfast and later she went to the meeting and one of her employee messed up a file and the dealer gave them 2 hours todo it again and change the mistakes as it was Y/N's first time dealing with something and they knew she is Jeon Jungkook's wife and if he said anything he may have been in danger so she went back to her cabin and started to Cry she didn't know todo anything that's when Mr Son came and knocked the door and she said
Y/N: Come in (she said wiping her tears)
Mr Son: I have took care of that employee mam she will be redoing them as soon as possible and the documents you asked to go though which where in the presentation (he said and kept the file and left the room when Mia comes in and says)
Mia: Mam there is someone who wants to meet you can I let him in (she came and said softly)
Y/N: Ok! and please go though this document if there is any mistakes change it after seeing the record and give it to me (she said trying not to cry)
Mia: Yes mam I will be outside in checking cause that person told to leave you alone (she said)
Y/N: Is it Jungkook shi? (She asked as she nodded)
Mia: Yes.. Mam it's Mr Jeon.. (she said)
Y/N: ok send him in and you can go to your desk which is outside and complete it as soon as possible ok (she said as Mia nodded and left)
Mia: Yes mam (she left and Jungkook came in and said)
Jungkook: Can I come in Mrs Jeon? (He said playfully)
Y/N: Come in Jungkook shi!
Jungkook: What happened why is your eyes red? (He said come towards her)
Y/N: .... (She didn't said and went to him and hugged him and started crying in his embrace)

To be continued....

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