1.crying my eyes out...

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Jace pov:

    I was currently lying on my queen sized bed with blankets overflowing on one side, comics and story books scattered everywhere and blackpink's "as if it's ur last" blasting in my speakers and I m on my stomach holding my tablet speaking incoherent sentences because I was reading addicted by Chai Jidan just finished the first part and crying my eyes out..


     Why is this happening, the comments said it was a happy ending that's y I started to read it but it made me cry at 4 am in the morning, I think I'm going to have a really bad day today.

      Well to clear your confusion,

      Hi,my name is Jace Verlice you may think it is weird but it's okay I kind of like it, I am 21 years old and I'm a zoology major in University of yearwood( yea I just made up a university 😅by myself)

   I'm a shy closeted gay man who have anxiety, many people think because you are shy or silent you won't have anxiety but it's not true, my anxiety tries to work up whenever I feel like some one is watching me or when I'm overly stressed about something

    I'm also super addicted with bl stories and obviously Wattpad because it's the Hogwarts of bl stories ( I always say that to my friends😁) but my friends didn't know that they didn't even know I was gay they think I'm just shy to talk to girls, and I cry very very easily.

    My present book which made me cry in the  early morning, I did read this for entire night well what can I do it's interesting that I forgot there's a boring thing called sleep.

   "Jace for god's sake why are you blasting blackpink just shut that thing off before I shut it with your head" oh that's my neighbour Venessa.

   "Sorry"I shouted before turning off my speakers, before fumbling and tumbling over my bedsheets and falling down twice, well I'm not just clumsy I blame it on my anxiety whenever someone focuses on me I just start doing stupid things even if I did it for thousand times before.

   My university starts tomorrow which means today,well I took break after high school for about 4 years because my parents were ashamed of having a gay son and they throwed me out after they found out and I worked for four years to save some money eventhough education is free in this country I thought I should earn some and now I even have some investment in stocks which pays me off and made me afford my own tiny one room apartment which I love to bits.

    I tossed and turned in my bed for about two hours.i can't sleep because of bai louyin and gu hai...they deserved a happy ending.

    Well I think I should start getting ready for scccchhhhooooollll.....

    I yawned looking at the mirror, wow I still look like a teenager because I lived in the streets for three years and ate an apple everyday for two years. Which retarded my natural growth. But it is worth it, atleast I didn't have crazy parents who tried to give me electric shock when I'm sleeping to remove the  "gay" disease from me( I heard it still happens in many part of the world,some sick people who call themselves  psychiatrist and do this to people in the name of treatment whose parents bring them for being gay)

  After brushing and showering I dressed up and went out.

   Well I really wish I don't do anything stupid today......


English is not my first language and I'm really trying I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

If you like my stories talk to me in the comments.

   And I'm really sorry for not updating in long time

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