Lisa crossed from our list of problems Travis and the curse = Added

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- Sal I don't know if I want to meet all the people in this building. I've lived in ignorance for so many years, and I've been fine with it," groaned Larry, hearing Sal's plan, a few minutes after he returned to his room and talked with renewed vigor about the idea that had "suddenly been born in his head."
- It's the only thing we can do to be able to rule out suspects, or at least find a motive as to why she was killed," the shorter boy defended his opinion, believing it was the only thing they could do without violating the law and Larry's already compromised morals.
- I get it, but that doesn't convince me to go around the whole building and ask everyone their favorite color -.
- If you're so inclined, you don't have to do that. Just support me. I was planning on getting to know the people here a bit anyway. - He shrugged his shoulders, feeling extremely light in his words. One worry had been taken from his shoulders, and it probably had quite an impact on why he continued to smile behind his mask.
It was as if the stars above him were aligning perfectly as he wanted them to and favoring everything he was doing, despite the fact that he previously thought the whole world was against him.
Maybe it really is the plan of the stars.

Under those same stars Travis also continued to walk in silence. His mind burned recalling the same moment over and over again for over a dozen minutes, burning it into his mind. He remembered all the details. How his blue hair had taken on a darker hue, approaching garnet, by the light they were standing under, how small he seemed compared to himself standing next to him, how his eyes glowed in the starlight creating little points of light in them and making him want to stare into them longer than necessary. He remembered it all and somehow he didn't want to let it go. He held tightly to those memories, treating them like anchors.
His hands already wanted to write it all down in a simple notebook, but he didn't have it with him. It was hidden along with all his feelings and doubts, far away.
He could only go home, slowly stretch his bones and then reach for his property, writing down new things.

The next day began for Salla, very cheerfully, that is, as long as a few hours of sleep could be counted as such. The nightmares continued unabated and haunted him every time he closed his eyes for an extended period of time, but this night was the beginning of something else. He wanted to wake up and get up in the morning, he wanted to do his whole little ritual and have a small breakfast before school. He wanted to stroll the hallways of the townhouse, walking to the elevator. For the first time in a long time the day started out well for him, and the thought that he was going to see Travis at school only enhanced that.
- Good morning Sal- He heard the kind voice of Lisa, that is the mom of his first real friend and probably the only really positive person in this building.
- Good morning Mrs. Johnson, nice to see you- He replied with equal good humor, sending her a small smile as if she was going to see him.
- Nice to see you too Sal! I can see you are in a good mood today- She remarked with her own little smile. She treated him like her own son and it really made her heart warm when the boy was happy. The boy laughed lightly, confirming her words.
- It is thanks to the people I have met here, thanks to Larre who is my friend and others. -
- It's great to see you and Larry. I am so happy that my son has found a friend! He said so often that there was some kind of curse on him that I was beginning to believe it! - She laughed, fixing her brown hair as Sal looked at her with confusion
- A curse? He didn't mention anything to me about it - He would remember if he mentioned something like a curse right?
- He didn't tell you? For several years he kept saying that there was some kind of curse with him that brought him bad luck. He used to regret it a lot, but when you came along it suddenly stopped, thank you - Sal felt something like warmth spread through his gut. He had never heard so many nice words in one day let alone in one conversation!

And he's about to be late for school!

- Thank you so much for your words, I will try not to disappoint you or Larry! Now unfortunately I have to go! - He waved at the woman, turning around and entering the elevator, which was still bravely waiting for its passenger.
It was really going to be a good day and Lisa had been crossed off the list of suspects, now he just had to ask Larry what was going on with his curse.

For Travis too, the day started off pretty well, there was no morning argument, which spared the masking of bruises, wiping his eyes red and sore throat from holding back tears. Yes, that made the day a lot easier, he even ate a small breakfast and his body thanked him greatly for it, allowing him to get through the morning without a stomach ache or dizziness. He didn't even have to reach for his notebook, he could just leave the house and enjoy school. Or rather, who he was going to meet there. He continued to think about him, and even in his dream he could see those sparkling eyes, which can't even be accurately described to put how pretty they looked at the time. He was so excited about school.
- Hey Travis! - He heard as soon as he crossed the threshold of the school, that kind and sweet voice that he only heard coming from his mouth. Wait, should he reply the same way? Or should he say something different?
The way friends talk! If of course they can be called that already, god were they friends!
- Hey... -
- Don't stress! Come on! I'll introduce you to the others! And you can talk to Larry - He spoke in a lively and happy tone, pulling the poor and stressed boy by the hand to the school lockers where Todd, Ash and Larry were standing. I guess he couldn't back out now...
- Guys! Travis would like to talk to us and hang out! - Sal....
- Oh this is something new. Nice to see you! - Ash spoke up first, extending her hand in a friendly manner, which Travis accepted with a slight look between them
- You're not going to hit me again are you? - Laughed Larry, watching the exchange of pleasantries between the two
- Larry shut up. You deserved it. - She answered him right away before Travis could even look at him, for which he thanked the girl in spirit.
- I didn't do anything then!
- Let's not argue, I wanted to start another topic. - Sal joined the conversation - Larry what's with your curse?

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