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"I watched Jessie embrace Toby in a tight hug, her eyes gleaming with tears, happiness written on her face as she pulled back looking at the boy who makes her heartbeat.

"What are you doing here, did you come back for me?" Everything has to be about her and honestly why shouldn't it when she deserves it.

"I'll see you two lovebirds later than," I said turning to leave when I saw Aven pulling out of the student parking lot.

"Hey, need a ride?" He asked stopping in front of me bringing a smile to my heart, hot and sweaty from practice he looked so hot that I just wanted to lick him.

"Yeah, I could ride you" I snickered skating my hands along his arm hanging out of the car.

He chuckled pulling me close. "Tonight I'm sleeping over and you will ride me all night long" he whispered. "Come on get your pretty ass in"


"Yeah mom, I'm okay" I huffed on the phone. Mom was calling to tell me that she won't be back for another day and honestly she didn't even have to tell me cause knowing her, this wasn't a surprise but I guess now that she wants to play the mom of the year I can appreciate the line of communication. "Cool mom, take care...... I love you" I said feeling my heart flutter when she returned the words of endearment.

After Aven dropped me off, he drove off with the promise of coming to spend the night, and knowing that evening was a few hours away I ran upstairs to my room, it was messy and yesterday Aven didn't seem to care but today he'll not find it messy. I packed up all of my dirty clothes and changed my bedsheets from black to ocean blue ones.

In my bathroom I looked at the tiny secret door that led to my secret room that had everything and now that I have Aven I do not need to keep on holding onto any of the stuff in there so pretty soon I need to clear them out.

Stepping inside the memories came back in waves, Aven's boxer briefs to his lock of hair, clothes, and photo collage I made from every pic I took of him, everything held a dear memory to me, the excitement and thrill of getting them and then there was the other memories, Matt's jacket and his collage, lifeless body hanging from the ceiling, memories of my victory in defeating him.

For Aven, I'll defeat everyone.

Downstairs the doorbell went off and excitedly I closed up the door to the room and ran downstairs.

"Hey, you" Aven stood there with two cups of caramel ice cream each sprinkled with a lot of rainbow sprinkles. "I thought that we'd celebrate our love" he smiled stepping inside looking good in his usual grey sweatpants and black hoodie, the fresh scent of his ocean breeze shower gel invaded my sense reminding me that I still didn't take a shower.

"Is your mom around?" He asked turning the television on and I shook my head no taking a seat next to him.

"She won't be here until tomorrow or the after, I really don't know at this point" I replied licking my little ice cream spoon. "What about your dad Aven, I haven't seen him in a while now"

He shrugged putting his cup of ice cream on the coffee table.

"Yeah......he's busy with work at sea, but we do FaceTime once in a while" he smiled my way and I really felt bad for him. It's been a while now since his dad came home and the fact that Aven takes so good of himself just shows how much of a man he is. My handsome responsible man.

"That's good..... are you hungry?. I can order us pizza" I suggested taking the pizza menu.

"I could eat but I'm not hungry for food," he said lowly causing me to look up at him meeting a cheeky grin with his right hand in his pants playing around with his tenting erection.

Smiling hard shaking my head at him I tossed the menu aside and went to kneel between his sprawled-out legs ready to get my mouth stuffed.


I flattered my eyes open and I found myself on the couch naked and alone, after we made out and gave each other head we both fell asleep, looking around I noticed that outside was dark and raining and Aven was nowhere to be found.

"Aven?" I sat looking at the time which was ten in the afternoon. "Aven?" I stood up grabbing my shorts.

The house was empty and dark so I unlocked my phone and call
him, his ringtone rang upstairs, maybe he went to sleep in my bedroom. Quickly grabbing my phone charger I ran upstairs to my bedroom ready to wake him up with my kisses but immediately I stopped in my tracks.

"Aven?" My heart started beating at the boy of my dreams going through my camera. Everything of his that I've gotten from him was on the floor by his feet. "I can explain" I found myself whimpered slowly closing the door.

He looked up at my face stone cold. "You took pics of me while I was in bed?!" He sounded disgusted and frightened.

I breathed in his harsh tone and slowly let it out trying to calm my beating heart. "I can explain Aven please hear me out okay"

He sat up straight looking at me, waiting for my explanation.

"I love you Aven, and all of these things are my love for you" he scoffed displaying anger. "And I needed to know you so slow by slow I took your things as tokens of my love for you please Aven I truly love you" I nearly cried.

He ran a hand through his hair, massaging his temples. "And Matt?" He asked tossing me the collage I made of Matt hanging like the loser dog he was.

"You killed him"

How could I be so stupid, I should've locked the fucking door.

"Answer me dammit!!" He yelled bringing me back to my senses. "Why did you kill him, Alex"

"Cause he was coming in between us and I couldn't let that happen" I half yelled back. "Aven please, I did this for us so we could be together happy"

"You are fucking crazy, you killed Matt and took my clothes, briefs, and hair what kind of a fucking creep are you!!" He yelled getting up and let's be honest if he decides to attack me, my fighting chances will be none to zero.

"Aven please, I did for us so we could be happy together!"

"You took pictures of me in bed and you expect me to believe that you love me!!!" He yelled and every word felt like hot coals on my skin. Grabbing the camera he approached the door but I quickly got in his way.

"Aven please hear me out, you can't do this to me!" I cried out rapidly shaking my head trying to wake myself out of this bad dream. "I love you Aven and if you look past everything you love me too"

He chuckled wiping sweat from his forehead, anger still written on his face. "Yeah whatever I like you Alex but not enough to accept that you are fucking crazy and a fucking monster"

"No, no, I'm not crazy!. I love you and if we just get rid of everything I know we can start over again please" I pleaded with him. Why can't he just understand that I did everything for him and our love?

I fucking love him enough to kill, shouldn't that count as genuine love.

"Fuck out of my way Alex, I've already called the cops and they will be here anytime"

My heart broke. "What, why Aven"


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