under the willow

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warnings: none!
description: Nez and Reader have a picnic date in a place that holds a special meaning for him.

warnings: none!description: Nez and Reader have a picnic date in a place that holds a special meaning for him

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"Is this a good enough spot?"

A wide smile touched your lips regardless of your failed attempt to force it away. "Looks perfect to me," you said while agreeably observing the surrounding area that Mike deemed fit for your picnic together.

Mike stood in place for a while, contemplating his decision. "Or we could go over there," he deadpanned, pointing to a spot that looked exactly the same as the one you both were currently standing at.

"This is a tough decision," you scoffed as your smile grew bigger.

Mike fell silent as he lost himself in thought, studying the sun's position in the sky, the amount of shade over each spot, and taking in each of his options. You laughed quietly to yourself at the various expressions he made as he pretended that where you sat down made all the difference in the world, purely for your own amusement.

"You know if we don't sit somewhere soon, the daylight will vanish before our eyes and we'll be eating underneath the stars."

He shrugged, a casual smirk upon his face as he turned to face you. "Better just stick with the first place then."

You nodded your head along to his final decision, giving him a look of agreement. "Excellent choice, Mister Nesmith. You live to see another day," you replied with playful sarcasm exuding in your voice.

The corners of his lips rose into an upward curve at your response before he let go of your hand that he had been holding and snuck his arm around your middle. You could feel him pull you close into him until you were tucked cozily at his side as he bent down to whisper in your ear. "Thanks for sparing me this time, darlin'."

The small, innocently intimate act averted your focus on why you two were here in the first place now that he had his arm wrapped around you. Having only just started going steady a few weeks ago, everything still felt new and exciting to you. Every little touch of his skin on yours, his eyes being locked on you, even down to the smallest action of holding hands made your heart flutter with an overwhelming sense of exhilaration.

Mike carried an aura of confidence around with him wherever he went which made you ten times more attracted to him. He was always so soft-spoken, calm, laid back, and never seemed to care about what people thought of him — if he did he never outwardly showed his concern. In this way, Mike filled in all the little pieces in your life that were missing. Having him by your side gave you an amount of confidence that you didn't even know was possible to possess; he made you feel like anything on earth was possible and within reach.

So far, the two of you had not done anything more than kiss and hold hands and that was perfectly fine with you. There was no need for rushing into things with Mike, you both were taking it step by step and easing your way into everything. In doing so, it felt like you could truly appreciate and cherish each little moment for what it was. Admittedly, you would be more than content just to stand in this very spot for the entire rest of the day so Mike would never have to remove his arm from your waist.

𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now