"I don't believe in 'meant to be.' I believe in finding somebody you love, and just being. I believe in loving someone who treats you well and whose laughter makes you want to laugh with them. Inevitability is a false safety net in our lives. You think it's there but even if it is, it's filled with rips and tears."
When Patrick saw Ella he swore his heart skipped a beat but than fell into his stomach when he realized what she had witnessed.
He was mortified
Quickly he chased after her only to catch her in the parking lot. Her hazel eyes now a dark shade of brown and angrily she drove the watch into his hand than speeded out of the parking lot.
"Mr. Kane" She had stopped calling him that after practice.
"Who was that?" Melanie questions as Patrick enters one of the back room in the ice house.
"Some girl from a practice" He convinced her. But Ella wasn't just some girl, she was far from it. Her beauty was breath taking, her voice angelic. She was mysterious and God Patrick was more than intrigued.
"Did she think she had a chance with you?" Melanie laughs before planting a kiss on Patrick's forehead.
"I don't know" he shakes his head.
"Can I meet you back at the apartment? I got to take care of some things here"
"Sure babe, I'll see you tonight" Melanie smiles before leaving. As soon as she was gone Patrick searched for Jonathan, he had finally found him getting inside his car.
Quickly Patrick jumped into the passenger seat and locked the doors.
"Jon we need to talk" He says quickly
"What is it Pat?"
Jonathan was captain of blackhawks and one of Patrick's closest. Jonathan knew Patrick better than Patrick knew himself. Patrick's emotions were so conflicted. He loved Melanie, he really did. She was amazing beyond words, but she..
She wasn't Ella
"Jon it's a girl" Patrick whispered, not daring to make eye contact with Jon. He had promised him months ago that he would make things work with Melanie.
"Patrick" Jon shook his head "Is this girl Melanie?"
"No.. It's Ella and Jon I've fallen madly in love with her. I don't know how or why I can't even tell you anything about her except she's got these stunning eyes and every time I look at her I don't even want to look away"
"I've never heard you talk about anyone like" Jonathan laughed softly
"What do I do about Melanie? I still love her-"
"You're not in love with her. You love her but you're not in love with her anymore" Jonathan stated, and he was right. Patrick no longer felt anything that he did when they first started dating. Patrick knew inside himself that she deserved better, she was a wonderful woman.
"Patrick I think you know what you need to do" Jonathan says to him, his brown eyes larger than normal. For once Jon wasn't arguing about Patrick's love life.
"Thanks man" Patrick hugged him before getting into his own car. As he drove back to his apartment Patrick couldn't help but laugh at himself.
Why did it take a mysterious stranger to realize he was no longer in love with Melanie? Maybe he was only with her this long for comfort.
Their relationship was comfortable.
Patrick took a moment in his car in silence. He remembered the first time he had ever seen Melanie, God she was stunning and she still was.
He entered his home slowly, unaware of where Melanie was.
"Mel?" He called out
"In here!" She called back to him from the dinning room.
The lights were dimmed and she sat there with her reading glasses and a glass of wine in her hand.
"Hey, you okay?" She asks as she peaks up from her laptop.
"Melanie can we" Patrick choked back for a second "talk?" His mouth now suddenly dry and his palms sweaty. He knew he was about to break Melanie's heart and he didn't want to.
"Um okay?" Her body now tense as she slowly closed the laptop.
"Melanie you know I love you? You're an amazing person-"
"And your just not feeling the same things for me anymore?" She finished his sentence. "I know, Patrick I'm not dumb"
The Lonely Hour
FanficShe never thought she was looking for a love story until it happened