Chapter 4 - Dire needs

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Ho. NO. 


I think I got myself into a really bad mistake here.

Recently a different set of scientists decided that I was quote un-quote "fit for a different type of experiment" which just so happened to be centred around "hyperactive brains" like mine. 

HAaaaaaa. (That my friends, is the sad and dead laugh of acknowledgement of one's utter and inevitable destruction)

So I went for their experiment that messes with brains and consciousness (I didn't really pay attention to the terms and conditions) and I realised there was a whole ton of:

1) Interrogation (I have no idea why, they kept mentioning some sort of acronym like KITE or something)
2) Silence and awkward waiting
3) Brain scans

So yeah. Not my thing. 

Say what you want about being a serial killer in a deadly exoskeleton of a tennis ball that wreaks havoc over the normal civilians' lives but this was not my type of experiment that I was comfortable with.

What's weird is that there were short frames of 5 to 10 minutes where I couldn't remember what I was doing, but every time I snapped out of it, everybody would look relieved and something about the room would change. Like the sudden appearance of a painting or a large bust of a historical figure, sometimes even the disappearance of things like a large potted fern (which I can guarantee you is impossible to lift). 

The first time this happened, a man in a black suit walked up to me and said "Don't pull that stuff around me ever again." and just walked off. 

I had no idea what I was doing obviously so this naturally made me question what was I doing that creeped out this middle aged spy-looking man that made him tell me specifically to stop doing what I was doing. 

(a silent but ever-present brain melt occurred at that very moment) 

I don't know is all I can reply to this situation, although the latter I don't care is not as applicable because I'm just finding out that I really do care about this and I do not feel like risking another meeting with my new spy looking black suited foe. 

So yeah. (But it's not as if I'm going to find an actual job because I tried that just about seventy three times and this is the only confirmed type of solid pay I can get which is about 50 bucks and that is S O L I D. Plus I already agreed to their terms and conditions thing and they said I can't quit. And they showed me the part that said I can't quit written in bold words. I am an idiot.) 

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