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Jade was eating her cheese and chocolate sfiha when Chase and Carter decided to just press her intercom like there's no tomorrow.

"Who is it?" She all but yelled in anger.

"The love of your life." Chase said on the other side.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Some of the anger fade away, being replaced by confusion and slight annoyance.

"Wow, I think you might end up single for the rest of your life." Carter joked before Chase asked her just to buzz them in already, which she did with a huff.

"Weren't you supposed to be ready by now? You just posted a story 40 minutes ago all dressed up, all you had to do was change your clothes." Chase fell on the armchair near the floor-length mirror Jade just started using to do her make-up.

"I was at my aunt's house helping her make pizzas for her get-together with the school's staff after the game, I was wearing those colors to tease her. I had to take a shower and get all that blue glitter out, that takes time and work." Jade answered going through her unnecessarily big and overflowing makeup bag before pulling the only five things she uses. "Now why are you here?"

"We came to give you a ride," Carter said like it was obvious as he looked - mainly with his hands - at everything on the said bag before Jade slapped his hand away for making a mess.

"I'm calling an uber."

"Random question: can you drive a car? There's this party after the game and we need a designated. I can have Kyle drive there, I just need someone sober to drive us back home."

She chose not to answer, instead, Jade took her phone and started playing some old Rihanna songs as loud as she could to purposely make them understand she was choosing to ignore their existence.

"I don't think she wants to do that." Chase pretended to whisper to Carter.

They both got up and started looking at her apartment, actually paying attention to the details. Her pictures, a few paintings, and mementos lay here and there until Chase completely froze in front of Ricky's old wine wall that was now with only a couple of bottles. "Is that a Screaming Eagle? Weren't they supposed to be really expensive?"

Jade shrugged, "It was a graduation gift."

"But you haven't graduated yet." Carter pointed out confused while Chase whipped his phone out to google it.

"It's a seven-digit wine bottle! Do you have any idea how many animals I would have to operate to be able to just gift this to someone like it was nothing? Who gave you this?"

"My mom but you can take it if you want, I don't drink anymore. I just brought those with me because I'm used to having alcohol around for my friends back in New York." Jade shook her hand like it was nothing.

"Wait, your mom didn't know you weren't graduating?" Carter leaned against the wall right by the mirror, staring down at Jade who has seated n the floor.

"Our communication needs some working." That none of them was willing to put in.

"And you're just going to give it to me?" Chase asked still shocked by the wine to think of anything else. "This is the type of shit you save for special news or to give to your children in the future. You don't just go giving it to anyone, why are you giving it to me?" He rambled like he was about to lose his mind. Or have a stroke...

"Amber is not much of a wine girl, my friends in New York don't care about how expensive it is and I won't drink it so if you want it, take it, if you don't, leave it. Easy. Besides, that's a Second Flight, it's one of their cheap ones. You can find it for 5,000 I think."

"Oh." Chase's excitement died down a little. "I'll take it, either way, thank you." And he proudly snatched the bottle.

"So what I'm taking from this interaction is that you don't drink. This is perfect. See, you were meant to be our designated driver tonight!"

"My car is in New York." Jade closed her make-up bag and got up to put her things away and leave.

"You also don't have anything school-related on you, I'll handle them both. Now come on, we're taking you to the game." Carter started dragging her to the door until she swiftly got out of his grasp.

"Fine,  just shut up."

Carter immediately texted Kyle saying it was all set but invented a condition where he had to go to the game to bring one of the old school crewnecks that don't fit him anymore to Jade. This also meant he was somehow forced to at least step foot on school grounds today, which was one step closer to making him finally see a game.

kind of a filler, my bad.

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